- Lists app: Permissions: grant access an entity/record type via Lists app based on the assigned permission(s) the user already has to view record type in FOLIO.UXPROD-4500Resolved issue: UXPROD-4500Khalilah Gambrell
- Conditionally suppress "User Permissions" accordion in create/edit user formsUIU-3063Resolved issue: UIU-3063Zak Burke
- "Assigned users" accordion table not updated when un-assigning and assigning certain users for authorization roleUIROLES-63Resolved issue: UIROLES-63Zak Burke
- (dry run) Error when updating only name/description for authorization roleUIROLES-62Resolved issue: UIROLES-62Ryan Berger
- All capability sets unchecked when selecting/un-selecting applicationsUIROLES-59Resolved issue: UIROLES-59Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Wire up ability to delete roleUIROLES-45Resolved issue: UIROLES-45Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- fixed-length session timeout banner may scroll off-screen or otherwise be hiddenSTCOR-883Resolved issue: STCOR-883Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- (FSE Dry run 1) Idle session timeout not working properlySTCOR-874Resolved issue: STCOR-874Zak Burke
- For the /reset-password route, allow token to be specified in the path or query argumentsSTCOR-820Resolved issue: STCOR-820Ryan Berger
- Unable to edit profile picture functionalityMODUSERSKC-41Resolved issue: MODUSERSKC-41Yauhen Viazau
- 500 NullPointerException when PUT_RESET_TOKEN_IN_QUERY_PARAMS = trueMODUSERSKC-37Resolved issue: MODUSERSKC-37Pavel Filippov
- Cannot create System User ECS env with predefined data setMODUSERSKC-34Resolved issue: MODUSERSKC-34Yauhen Vavilkin
- Cannot delete existing usersMODUSERSKC-23Resolved issue: MODUSERSKC-23Oleksii Kuzminov
- Improve HTTPS support in the SideCarMODSIDECAR-41Resolved issue: MODSIDECAR-41Yaroslav Kiriak
- HTTPS access to Keycloak and KafkaMODSIDECAR-35Resolved issue: MODSIDECAR-35Yaroslav Kiriak
- Endpoints should be protected by fine-grained permissionsMODSER-35Resolved issue: MODSER-35Owen Stephens
- [LoC/FSE Dry run 1] Downloading file doesn't work for Core and Supplementary documentsMODROLESKC-195Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-195Oleksii Kuzminov
- "Unrelease encumbrance" button is not displayed on encumbrance details paneMODROLESKC-194Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-194Yauhen Vavilkin
- "Recalculate budget totals" button is absent on budget details pageMODROLESKC-193Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-193Yauhen Vavilkin
- Unable to cancel an invoiceMODROLESKC-192Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-192Yauhen Vavilkin
- Error on delete roleMODROLESKC-180Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-180
- HTTPS access to KeycloakMODROLESKC-160Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-160Yauhen Vavilkin
- Data export Logs screen doesn't reflect the most recent jobs, ""Ended running"" column is populated with current date and timeMODROLESKC-32Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-32
- Data Export failing: Error while getting instances by idsMODROLESKC-28Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-28
- Kafka TLS connection does not workMODPUBSUB-290Resolved issue: MODPUBSUB-290Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- Infinite loading animation when opening "Orders" appMODORDERS-1083Resolved issue: MODORDERS-1083Yauhen Vavilkin
- Order can not be unopenedMODORDERS-1060Resolved issue: MODORDERS-1060
- Remove usage of okapi-common lib, based on Vert.x classes, from Spring projectMODEXPS-263Resolved issue: MODEXPS-263Viachaslau Khandramai
- [Poppy CSP] (ECS) Sharing of instances in not workingMODDICONV-376Resolved issue: MODDICONV-376Maksat Galymzhan
- Out of memory error when connecting to MSK using TLSMODCONSKC-15Resolved issue: MODCONSKC-15Craig McNally
- Find out, document, and check the configuration settings to use TLS-encrypted connections to the Kafka server/cluster.MGRTENANT-21Resolved issue: MGRTENANT-21
- Find out, document, and check the configuration settings to use TLS-encrypted connections to the PostgreSQL DB Server.MGRTENANT-20Resolved issue: MGRTENANT-20
- CORS related issues with data import/data exportKONG-4Resolved issue: KONG-4
- ModuleId, SemVer supportFOLSPRINGS-155Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-155
- "Something went wrong" when opening an authorization roleEUREKA-332Resolved issue: EUREKA-332
- Cannot create an agreement on FSE Dry run 1 (403 error for /erm/validate/subscriptionAgreement/name )EUREKA-287Resolved issue: EUREKA-287Mykola Makhin
- Cannot open an agreement on FSE Dry run 1 ("Something went wrong" screen)EUREKA-286Resolved issue: EUREKA-286
- GET /circulation/rules request fails with 500 statusEUREKA-204Resolved issue: EUREKA-204
- Capabilities have gone missingEUREKA-181Resolved issue: EUREKA-181
- Keycloak and mod-roles-keycloak are out of syncEUREKA-180Resolved issue: EUREKA-180Oleksii Kuzminov
- Page refreshes randomly when user is activeEUREKA-175Resolved issue: EUREKA-175
- Cannot check in/out an item (timeout error)EUREKA-163Resolved issue: EUREKA-163Oleksii Kuzminov
- 500 errors when searching for titles using "Order status" facet in "Receiving"EUREKA-161Resolved issue: EUREKA-161
- Receiving: Could not create a piece, received error when trying to saveEUREKA-113Resolved issue: EUREKA-113
- Investigate/Troubleshoot problem with keypair generation in sidecarEUREKA-112Resolved issue: EUREKA-112Yauhen Vavilkin
- Finance/Orders: cannot create budget due to issue assigning FY to current budgetEUREKA-106Resolved issue: EUREKA-106
- Finance: Cannot use Fiscal year drop down box so cannot assign any money.EUREKA-104Resolved issue: EUREKA-104
- Organizations: "Privileged donor information" accordion did not appear.EUREKA-103Resolved issue: EUREKA-103
- Organizations: Banking information accordion is unavailable.EUREKA-102Resolved issue: EUREKA-102
- Could not add Category to Organization contact.EUREKA-101Resolved issue: EUREKA-101
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