- Import single record from OCLC - 07 - Overlay bib onlyUXPROD-2087Ryan Taylor
- Import single record from OCLC - 06 - Move OCLC holdings to new record and overlay existing recordUXPROD-2086Ryan Taylor
- Import single record from OCLC in MARCcat - 05 - Match bib, match holdings, avoid duplicate itemUXPROD-2085Resolved issue: UXPROD-2085Mike Gorrell
- Import single record from OCLC - 04 - Match bib, add new holdings and new itemUXPROD-2084Ryan Taylor
- Import single record from OCLC - 03 - Match bib, match holdings, add new itemUXPROD-2083Ryan Taylor
- Import single record from OCLC - 02 - Match existing bib, create new holdings (update holding in Inventory-SRS-MARCcat)UXPROD-2082Resolved issue: UXPROD-2082
- Import single record from OCLC - 01. Brand new bib, holdings, itemUXPROD-2080Ryan Taylor
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