- Detail page not immediately updated after editing user rolesUIU-3333Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Save button not always enabled when saving roles to multiple affiliationsUIU-3331Ryan Berger
- User names in role details page should not be hyperlinked if user doesn't have access to Users moduleUISAUTHCOM-42Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-42Yury Barsukou
- Enforce new "manage" permission setUISAUTHCOM-39Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-39Craig McNally
- Release v1.7.0UIROLES-126Resolved issue: UIROLES-126Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Add accessibility testing to automated tests.UIPSELAPP-7Resolved issue: UIPSELAPP-7Ryan Berger
- ECS | Eureka | Actions are disabled for local records in Consortium manager for user with capabilities for sharingUICONSET-214Resolved issue: UICONSET-214Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Remove remaining references to stripes.isEurekaSTCOR-938Resolved issue: STCOR-938Craig McNally
- Release v10.2.4STCOR-916Resolved issue: STCOR-916
- Eureka | Sorting users by patron group with applied filters changes number of found recordsMODUSERS-497Resolved issue: MODUSERS-497Irina Pokhylets
- PUT /roles/users API calls fail when called in quick successionMODROLESKC-276Resolved issue: MODROLESKC-276Yury Barsukou
- Invoice encumbrance link not removed because of acquisition unitMODORDERS-1224Resolved issue: MODORDERS-1224Dennis Bridges
- Create an application descriptor for FQMMODFQMMGR-690Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-690Matt Weaver
- Application can't be enabled - dependency issueMGRENTITLE-84Resolved issue: MGRENTITLE-84Oleksii Kuzminov
- ECS | Eureka | Capabilities related to Consortium manager are present in member tenantsEUREKA-548Resolved issue: EUREKA-548
- "data - UI-Tags" capabilities/sets are not present on Eureka Bug-festEUREKA-522Resolved issue: EUREKA-522
- "Reading room access" app is not present on Eureka R BugfestBF-838Resolved issue: BF-838Dmytro
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