- Error toasts when opening a user for edit without having "User Roles" capability setUIU-3294Resolved issue: UIU-3294Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Cannot save a user after edit without "Auth-Users" capability setsUIU-3243Resolved issue: UIU-3243Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Capabilities for "Users: Can view reading room access", "Users: Can view, and edit reading room access" permissions are absent in the systemUIU-3240Resolved issue: UIU-3240
- Inactive "New" button is not presented in top-right corner on the 'Patron groups' pageUIU-3235Resolved issue: UIU-3235
- (Folio snapshot) Error when saving edited userUIU-3212Resolved issue: UIU-3212Ryan Berger
- Conditionally suppress "User Permissions" accordion in create/edit user formsUIU-3063Resolved issue: UIU-3063Zak Burke
- Primary affiliation not assigned to new usersUIU-3039Resolved issue: UIU-3039oleksandr_haimanov
- User does not have access to all feefines-related entries in settings.UIU-2881Resolved issue: UIU-2881Artem Blazhko
- The 'ui-users.anonymization.confirmation.message' message is displayed in the confirmation modal bodyUIU-2854Resolved issue: UIU-2854
- Sometimes the remaining amount is not shown correct value after filling the payment amountUIU-2812Resolved issue: UIU-2812Dmitriy Litvinenko
- After page reload the comment can't be added to "additional information"UIU-2794Resolved issue: UIU-2794Dmitriy Litvinenko
- User can't change due date for item if time input is updated.UIU-2785Resolved issue: UIU-2785Artem Blazhko
- Requests accordion is not shown on the User's details pageUIU-2765Resolved issue: UIU-2765Michal Kuklis
- Broken interactor due to changed web componentUITEST-110Resolved issue: UITEST-110John Coburn
- Not all entities are displayed in the Institutions dropdown list on the Campuses view paneUITEN-271Resolved issue: UITEN-271
- User not able to view Settings Tenant Location Setup items directly through linkUITEN-268Resolved issue: UITEN-268Mike Taylor
- ("reintcon" env) Capability set remains assigned after selecting and then deselecting it when creating an authorization roleUISAUTHCOM-53Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-53
- (Eureka R BF") Capability set remains assigned after selecting and then deselecting it when creating an authorization roleUISAUTHCOM-48Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-48Yury Barsukou
- Capabilities from unselected application sometimes shown as assigned for a role after editingUISAUTHCOM-43Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-43Yury Barsukou
- Capabilities included in capability set are not deselected when deselecting a setUISAUTHCOM-41Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-41Yury Barsukou
- "Capability sets" accordion has no loading animation when opening role for edit after creationUISAUTHCOM-28Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-28Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Cannot find MARC authority record by exact match of LCCN (with spaces) using Keyword search optionUISAUTCOMP-143Resolved issue: UISAUTCOMP-143Dmytro Melnyshyn
- When the "No" checkbox in the "Shared" accordion of the Marc authority app is checked, the detailed view of the opened Shared record does not switch to LocalUISAUTCOMP-135Resolved issue: UISAUTCOMP-135Dmytro Melnyshyn
- The wrong message is displayed on the page when clicking on the "Reset all" buttonUISAUTCOMP-58Resolved issue: UISAUTCOMP-58Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Some capabilities cannot be assigned to a role in UIUIROLES-142
- Assigned roles are not sorted in user edit view when roles assigned via roles UI or via APIUIROLES-137Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Incorrect modal title when assigning/unassigning users for a roleUIROLES-121Resolved issue: UIROLES-121
- Cannot save a role after unchecking all capability/set checkboxesUIROLES-114Resolved issue: UIROLES-114Yauhen Viazau
- Authorization role is not removed from roles list right after being deletedUIROLES-107Resolved issue: UIROLES-107Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Capabilities not selected in UI in edit when capabilities and sets assigned to a role via APIUIROLES-106Resolved issue: UIROLES-106Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- (dry run) Error when updating only name/description for authorization roleUIROLES-62Resolved issue: UIROLES-62Ryan Berger
- "Request" module not availableUIREQ-917Resolved issue: UIREQ-917
- List of Service points in "Request" has a limit of 100UIREQ-850Resolved issue: UIREQ-850Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Actions menu is disabled for a piece if a user is not in ACQ unit assigned to the titleUIREC-418Resolved issue: UIREC-418Dennis Bridges
- Wrong error message while saving MARC Bib record with invalid LDR position values.UIQM-725Resolved issue: UIQM-725Denys Bohdan
- "400" error is returned while auto linking Marc Bib fields to Marc Auth by clicking "Link Headings" buttonUIQM-688Resolved issue: UIQM-688Denys Bohdan
- When creating the second and subsequent MARC holdings, the 'Location' field in the 'Select permanent location' modal window is not filled in.UIQM-679Resolved issue: UIQM-679John Coburn
- Field "010" of linked "MARC Authority" can be deleted when "010 $a" = "$0"UIQM-649Resolved issue: UIQM-649Denys Bohdan
- When editing the LDR field in a MARC Bibliographic record for the fourth consecutive time, clicking the "Save & Close" button does not save the changes.UIQM-635Resolved issue: UIQM-635
- ECS | "Local" text in paneheader when editing shared "MARC authority" in Member tenantUIQM-627Resolved issue: UIQM-627Dmytro Melnyshyn
- User with minimal required permissions cannot edit MARC records, add MARC HoldingsUIQM-565Resolved issue: UIQM-565Marcin Mystkowski
- Cannot create a new MARC Bib record via UIUIQM-504Resolved issue: UIQM-504
- Empty box "IBD" of 007 field is not auto populated when edit in "quickmarc"UIQM-499Resolved issue: UIQM-499Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Remove duplicate 001s > "Missing subfield" error appears when user tries to save MARC bib record in Derive windowUIQM-448Resolved issue: UIQM-448Denys Bohdan
- Restore MARC holdings/MARC bibliographic error toast notification messaging AND Apply messaging format same error toast notification messaging format to MARC authorityUIQM-419Resolved issue: UIQM-419Denys Bohdan
- Not expected validator message in quickmarc editorUIQM-248Resolved issue: UIQM-248doniyor otamurodov
- Folio crashes in quickmarc editor when cypress clears LDR fieldUIQM-247Resolved issue: UIQM-247Denys Bohdan
- Issue with update of marc authority by user without admin permissionsUIQM-238Resolved issue: UIQM-238Denys Bohdan
- Search of existing instance not works as expected in process of movement of holdings recordsUIPFI-96Resolved issue: UIPFI-96Mariia_Sychova
- (Eureka Cypress/Snapshot) Infinite reload when one authority record is found in searchUIMARCAUTH-458Resolved issue: UIMARCAUTH-458
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