- Tags. Optimistic locking error appears when user adds more than 1 tag to "Holdings"/"Instance"/"Item" record fastUIIN-2941Resolved issue: UIIN-2941Denys Bohdan
- requesting improved error message when user 'type' value is missing & requiredMODUIMP-93Resolved issue: MODUIMP-93Julian Ladisch
- Investigate: loadholdings process is failing for Five Collages, Bank of Finland ,UL Research Institutes,Umsystems and sygnitysbs-demo | Nolana and Orchid ReleaseMODKBEKBJ-747Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-747Pavlo Smahin
- Data import: circulation notes created via import cause blank references, rendering items uneditable within the UI (short term fix) (Poppy Clone)MODINVSTOR-1110Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-1110Maksym Ishchenko
- Items with multiple circulation notes that do not have an id cannot be updatedMODINVSTOR-1096Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-1096Bekhzod Kurbonboev
- Data import: circulation notes created via import cause blank references, rendering items uneditable within the UI (short term fix) (Orchid CSP 6 Clone)MODINVSTOR-1093Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-1093Maksym Ishchenko
- GET /holdings-storage/holdings?query=cql.allRecords=1+sortby+id&offset={}&limit={}is very slow for large offset paramMODINVSTOR-1034Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-1034
- Constraint item level call number type ID to refer to a known typeMODINVSTOR-987Pavlo Smahin
- Location changes in holdings records via batch-synchronous APIs not triggering update to item effective locationMODINVSTOR-941Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-941Julian Ladisch
- [RRT] Invoices do not display fund codesMODINVOICE-548Resolved issue: MODINVOICE-548Ruslan Lavrov
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