Given User A has a request on Item X with Pickup service point = SP1 AND User A's request is at the top of the request queue AND Item status = Paged
When Item X is checked in at a service point other than SP1
Generic in transit modal modal should display in check in app
Item status should change from "Paged" to "In transit"
Request status should change from "Open - Not yet filled" to "Open - In transit"
Hold shelf expiration date should not be setCB: Moved to UIREQ-144
Given User A has a request on Item X with Pickup service point = SP1 AND User A's request is at the top of the request queue AND Item status = Paged
When Item X is checked in at service point SP1
Then: CB: Should already be working per UICHKIN-50
"Awaiting pickup for a request" modal should display with
Title of modal: Awaiting pickup for a request
Body of modal: Place item <title of item> (<material type of item>) (Barcode: <barcode of item>) on hold shelf at <pick up service point> for request.
Print slip - Checkbox (covered by UICHKIN-16)
Close - Button
X on window for closing (same as Close)
Item status should change from "Paged" to "Awaiting pickup"
Request status should change from "Open - Not yet filled" to "Open - Awaiting pickup"
Hold shelf expiration date should set to today's date + period (initially hardcoded to 14 days per UIREQ-144 but will eventually come from request policy) (covered by UIREQ-144)
Additional scenarios to test, assuming the following stories are complete: UICHKIN-49, UICHKIN-50
ScenarioCB: No longer valid as page requests are only allowed on Available items
Given an Item X is in transit to home location (assumes there are no open requests)
When a page request is created on Item X
Then when Item X is next checked in, it will either be Awaiting pickup or In transit for a request (depending on the whether the check-in service point = the request pickup service point)
ScenarioCB: No longer valid as page requests are only allowed on Available items
Given an Item X is in transit or awaiting pickup for a request for User A
When a page request is created on Item X
Then when Item X is checked out to User A, the due date should be based on the loan policy (for Chalmers it will be 14 days per the loan/request policy setting "Alternate due date at checkout for items with existing requests")CB: Also, this loan policy setting has been replaced by other settings.
Item transition should be deferred to check in and it is. At check in, the system knows whether the item should go in transit or available based on the current service point and the effective location. This all seems to be working perfectly.
Marc Johnson March 20, 2019 at 11:46 AM
What should happen when an unfulfilled (Open - Not yet filled) page request is cancelled?
Should the item status move to `Available` (as this is the only status in the whitelist)?
Or should this transition be deferred to a check in?
Ann-Marie Breaux March 7, 2019 at 9:11 PM
Started to test this, but it looks like everything is complete in the comments. Per the comments above, we edited some existing requests, and they saved fine. So closing this ticket. Tested on folio-snapshot.
Purpose: To enable the creation of paging requests when item is available and to support In transit behavior for items with paging requests.
User story:
As a user who wants to create a paging request
I want to be able to create that request for items that are Available in the library
So that the librarian can go get them off the shelf for me
Given Item X Status = Available
When a Request with Type = Page is created for Item X
Request should be successfully created
This should be driven off the hardcoded whitelist mapping:
There will be other allowed statuses later (e.g. recently returned and on order) but available is the only allowed status right now
Eventually, the whitelist will be configurable by tenant (see ) but Jakub said it made sense to start by hard coding this as a first step
Request status should be "Open - Not yet filled"
Item status should become "Paged"
Given Item X Status = Checked out , In transit , Awaiting pickup or Paged
When a Request with Type = Page is created for Item X
Request should not be created
UI will prevent this using menu pre-filtering (see UIREQ-209)
Note: This should be driven off the hardcoded whitelist mapping:
Given User A has a request on Item X with Pickup service point = SP1 AND User A's request is at the top of the request queue AND Item status = Paged
When Item X is checked in at a service point other than SP1
Generic in transit modal modal should display in check in app
Item status should change from "Paged" to "In transit"
Request status should change from "Open - Not yet filled" to "Open - In transit"
Hold shelf expiration date should not be set CB: Moved to UIREQ-144
Given User A has a request on Item X with Pickup service point = SP1 AND User A's request is at the top of the request queue AND Item status = Paged
When Item X is checked in at service point SP1
Then: CB: Should already be working per UICHKIN-50
"Awaiting pickup for a request" modal should display with
Title of modal: Awaiting pickup for a request
Body of modal: Place item <title of item> (<material type of item>) (Barcode: <barcode of item>) on hold shelf at <pick up service point> for request.
Print slip - Checkbox (covered by UICHKIN-16)
Close - Button
X on window for closing (same as Close)
Item status should change from "Paged" to "Awaiting pickup"
Request status should change from "Open - Not yet filled" to "Open - Awaiting pickup"
Hold shelf expiration date should set to today's date + period (initially hardcoded to 14 days per UIREQ-144 but will eventually come from request policy) (covered by UIREQ-144)
Additional scenarios to test, assuming the following stories are complete: UICHKIN-49, UICHKIN-50
Scenario CB: No longer valid as page requests are only allowed on Available items
Given an Item X is in transit to home location (assumes there are no open requests)
When a page request is created on Item X
Then when Item X is next checked in, it will either be Awaiting pickup or In transit for a request (depending on the whether the check-in service point = the request pickup service point)
Scenario CB: No longer valid as page requests are only allowed on Available items
Given an Item X is in transit or awaiting pickup for a request for User A
When a page request is created on Item X
Then when Item X is checked out to User A, the due date should be based on the loan policy (for Chalmers it will be 14 days per the loan/request policy setting "Alternate due date at checkout for items with existing requests") CB: Also, this loan policy setting has been replaced by other settings.