Mike Taylor
Mike TaylorReporter
Charlotte Whitt
Charlotte WhittPriority
Development Team
Trillium (R2 2025)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created last week
Updated last week
This ticket was generated out of discussions on the 09-22-2024 working group for Reading Room Circulation.
As a Librarian, I require the ability to set a new request to be a Reading room circulation request by default via the request policies.
In scope:
New / Edit requests policy form:
A new field will be added to the Requests policy form: “Reading room circulation request”
The setting will be an Upper-level option before the request types allowed
Setting is applied to all selected request types on the policy form.
Request policy summary panel:
New value displaying if “reading room circulation request” has been selected or not.
This setting will be used as a default on all new requests that use the given requests policy.
Staff UI - The “Reading room circulation request” option would be set to match the request policy.
Discovery layers - the request would be marked as a “Reading room circulation request” based on the policy.
No extra permissions are needed to edit this field. The already established permissions for View, Edit, Create, Update and Delete the requests policy should be applied.
Out of scope:
Modifying the request object
modify the new / edit request form
Questions / Concerns
Backend tickets:
Extend the requests policy storage to include the new setting.
Current request policies will need to be backfilled with the default value of false (no)
Extend the api endpoint <<API ENDPOINT>> to include the stored setting "Reading room circulation"
This should be the api endpoint used by the request form when finding out what request types are allowed for the given item / user combination.
Frontend ticket:
Extend the request policy UI form; no error checking is required as the input is not required and it will be a simple check-box
Extend the request policy details panel to add the status of the Reading room circulation request setting.