CSP Approved
Irina Pokhylets
Irina PokhyletsReporter
Molly Driscoll
Molly DriscollTester Assignee
Polina Ustimenko
Polina UstimenkoPriority
Story Points
Development Team
Fix versions
Ramsons (R2 2024) Service Patch #1
RCA Group
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 12, 2025 at 3:55 PM
Updated last week
Resolved March 7, 2025 at 10:09 AM
The #Copies printed does not update with all print actions, only with single copy print.
Steps to reproduce:
Log in to as folio/folio.
Select service point = Eckhart Library.
Open Requests app and filter to Page/Open - Not yet filled
There is one slip eligible for printing associated with this request:
Expected results: #Copies increments each time the slip is printed, regardless of method
Actual result:
Using the single print option - adds a copy to the #Copies column
Using print selected option - does not add a copy to the #Copies column
Using print all option - does not add a copy to the #Copies column
Required information for a CSP request
Describe issue impact on business - Affects slips generation, printing and export of requests to CSV.
What institutions are affected? (field “Affected Institutions” in Jira to be populated) - LoC, all libraries that use TLR
What is the workaround if exists? - No workaround
What areas will be impacted by fix (i.e. what areas need to be retested) - Pickslips print (Single print, selective print and bulk print)
Brief explanation of technical implementation and the level of effort (in workdays) and technical risk (low/medium/high) - 2 workdays, low technical risk
Brief explanation of testing required and level of effort (in workdays). Provide test plan agreed with by QA Manager and PO. - 1 workday
What is the roll back plan in case the fix does not work? - Revert to previous version of the module