Paste the barcode you copied to select the item (optional step per Matt C)
Go down to the Requester field and click Requester lookup
Expected: Popup should display with requesters that you can select from. Popup should only contain filter and list panes (not a pane for detail record). No error should display.
Actual: Popup contains a pane for a detail record. Error is generated (see attached screenshot). Error reads: ERROR: in module @folio/requests, operation GET on resource 'permissions' failed, saying: No user found by id f1f7a710-84e6-4965-ab68-afec194d3cd3 Screencast: Screencast:
NOTE: I also tested this using a barcode for a checked out item which I copied directly from Inventory, as opposed to a barcode from a bootstrap request record, just to be sure that wasn't causing the problem. I was able to repro in that case, as well:
Hi I am still seeing the filter selection remembered, but I don't think that should hold up this bug fix. I filed UIREQ-142 for that issue and will close this as fixed. Thanks!!
Cate Boerema October 24, 2018 at 4:43 PM
Thanks and . I am no longer seeing this error (in folio-snapshot). That said, the popup seems to be remembering a previous filter or something. This is how it looked when I first opened it (faculty was already selected):
Matt Connolly October 18, 2018 at 9:10 PM
This was fixed by an update to stripes-smart-components by . No changes to ui-requests are necessary.
Matt Connolly October 17, 2018 at 8:10 PM
Steps 4 and 6 in the description are actually not needed to trigger this bug. The problem is that the SearchAndSort component is treating the ID of the selected request in the URL as a user ID that it thinks it's supposed to display.
Steps to Repro:
Log into snapshot-stable as diku_admin
Go to Requests
Open a request
Copy the item barcode (optional step per Matt C)
Click the new button to create a new request
Paste the barcode you copied to select the item (optional step per Matt C)
Go down to the Requester field and click Requester lookup
Expected: Popup should display with requesters that you can select from. Popup should only contain filter and list panes (not a pane for detail record). No error should display.
Actual: Popup contains a pane for a detail record. Error is generated (see attached screenshot). Error reads: ERROR: in module @folio/requests, operation GET on resource 'permissions' failed, saying: No user found by id f1f7a710-84e6-4965-ab68-afec194d3cd3 Screencast: Screencast:
NOTE: I also tested this using a barcode for a checked out item which I copied directly from Inventory, as opposed to a barcode from a bootstrap request record, just to be sure that wasn't causing the problem. I was able to repro in that case, as well: