Update printing details when printing search slips
User story:
As a library staff user,
I need the system to record details of search slips printing,
So that I can see the most recent printing information for slips.
Acceptance criteria:
The system should log the print details, including the request ID, username, date, and time of printing when a user prints search slip(s) via the ‘Print search slips for [Service Point]’ action.
The print details should be updated after the generation of the search slip(s) PDF preview.
User story:
As a library staff user,
I need the system to record details of search slips printing,
So that I can see the most recent printing information for slips.
Acceptance criteria:
The system should log the print details, including the request ID, username, date, and time of printing when a user prints search slip(s) via the ‘Print search slips for [Service Point]’ action.
The print details should be updated after the generation of the search slip(s) PDF preview.
Scenario: Log printing details on " Print search slips [Service Point]"
The following configuration settings are enabled:
Setting > Circulation > Requests > View print details > Enable view print details (Pick and Search slips)
Setting > Circulation > Requests > Print hold requests > Allow print hold requests (Open - Not yet filled)
And at least one Hold request is created for current service point
And the logged-in staff user can see Hold request(s) in the Request table in the Request app
When: the user selects the "Print search slips [Service Point]" action in the Action menu
Then: the system opens a PDF preview window with an option to print
The system stores the print details including the request ID. username, date, and time of printing in the printing log
The system updates the ‘Printed’ and ‘# Copies’ columns:
the ‘Printed’ column displays the username and date/time of the most recent printing
the ‘# Copies’ column displays the updated number of printed copies