Denys Bohdan
Denys BohdanReporter
Khalilah Gambrell
Khalilah GambrellPriority
Story Points
Development Team
Sunflower (R1 2025)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 6, 2024 at 11:20 PM
Updated December 23, 2024 at 12:38 PM
Resolved December 23, 2024 at 12:38 PM
Requirement 1 - Maintain focus on the last field/dropdown/action I was on before hitting Save button
Given I am a creating/editing/deriving a MARC record
When I click on Save button
AND there are MARC record validation rules error
Then keep focus on the last field/dropdown/action I was on before I hit the Save button
Requirement 2 - Display a toast notification regarding MARC record rules validation errors
If Fail MARC record validation rule error only is found
Then display a red toast notification (see below mockup)
If Fail and Warn MARC record validation rule errors are found
Then display a red toast notification (see below mockup)
If Warn MARC record validation rule error only is found
Then display a orange toast notification (see below mockup)
Validate this behavior when
There are Fail + Warn errors and user hits either Save button
There are Warn errors only and user hits either Save button
The user resolves the Fail errors in #1 and hits either Save button again
The user does not update the record in #2 and hits Save & keep editing button as its second Save button
The user does update the record in #2 and hits Save & keep editing button
Fail + Warn message:
Fail only message: (just omit Warn message)
Warn only message: