Unlinking not saving


In both our development and production environment we have issues using the unlink feature in the quickmark UI. The main issue here is that the save seems to hang and must be cancelled to exit the UI making and changes unsaved.


Very similar issues to this ticket: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UIQM-462

We saw this was tagged as cannot reproduce, our steps below.



  1. Log into ANY pre poppy folio environment.

  2. Go to inventory app and find a record with a linked authority, preferably a protected authority.

  3. Click actions and edit marc bibliographic record.

  4. Go to relevant marc authority field.

  5. Use the unlink feature.

  6. A pop up should return confirming unlink or cancel.

  7. Click unlink.

  8. Should be returned to the quickmarc UI.

  9. Attempt to save and close.

Expected result: Record should save and close with the unlinked marc field.

Current result: Record attempts to save, is unable to be saved and only way to exit the UI is to cancel the edited content.



Our linking Algorithm

  1. For an input authority HRID (human readable ID), get the associated UUID (unique ID) and authority name from FOLIO.

  2. For each instance HRID (Bib ID) that is associated with this authority in Voyager, get the current version of the instance (bibliographic) record from FOLIO.

  3. Update the contents of its Marc 100 field, as long as it does not already contain the authority UUID, or an existing $0 or $9 subfield in the content field. This is to avoid updating a record which is already linked to an authority.

  4. The existing content field must also contain the authority name as a substring. This is to avoid linking records which should not be linked.

  5. If the checks above are passed, insert the authority HRID and UUID into new fields in the JSON for the 100 field.

  6. In the "content" field in the JSON, insert a new $0 subfield which will contain the authority HRID. Insert a new $9 subfield (FOLIO specific), which will contain the authority UUID.

  7. Insert the required "authorityControlledSubfields" field, and the appropriate "linkingRuleId" for the Marc 100 field.

  8. Perform a HTTP PUT call to the FOLIO "records-editor" endpoint, with the contents of the updated record.


The field types for records which have the error

  • 610

  • 700

  • 710


It has seemed near impossible to manually unlink the authority after the change. For some records the UI is unable to save the change and the browser reports a JS error, where "authorityControlledSubfields" is undefined.


CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround



  • 13 Nov 2023, 09:42 AM



TestRail: Results



Brad Berkotte November 15, 2023 at 3:21 AM

Hi the cause was a logic error in our code (incorrectly adding authority IDs to some fields when multiple fields with the same number are present).

Our dev had done a bit more investigating and found out the issue.

Thank you for the help and your time on this matter it is appreciated.

Brad Berkotte November 14, 2023 at 9:45 PM

Hi , No so the 2nd comment was just an update on the algorithm so they are being returned already, so error is still occuring.

Denys Bohdan November 14, 2023 at 12:04 PM

Hi , sorry, from your comment I didn't get if your test was successful with authorityId and authorityNaturalId in the request body?

Brad Berkotte November 13, 2023 at 11:30 PM

Just to follow on if we look at step 5 our dev has informed me that 

authority HRID = authorityNaturalID

UUID = is the authorityID


Also want to note this is the 2nd run we have done with authorities in this way seems to be specific to the fields listed above

Brad Berkotte November 13, 2023 at 9:17 PM



Let me flick this to our dev who works on it on NLA side and I can have them check on these things and will provide comment back based on the above advice.








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Orchid (R1 2023)

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 13, 2023 at 3:30 AM
Updated November 20, 2023 at 2:41 PM
Resolved November 15, 2023 at 3:22 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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