Create/Edit/Derive MARC bib/holdings/authority - Allow a user to move 00X fields
Potential Workaround
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Khalilah Gambrell September 22, 2023 at 11:24 AM
Hey - has the work been removed? If so, can we move this issue out of the sprint?

Khalilah Gambrell September 13, 2023 at 2:49 PM
Based on 9/13 stand up, decision is to revert this work as there is some backend work needed.
Yauhen Viazau September 12, 2023 at 3:46 PM
Tested on Snapshot-2 - issues found
1) When editing a record, fields are automatically realigned in the following manner after saving:
LDR → 001 (→ 004 for Holdings) → other 00X → 005 → other fields (including 999)
2) When creating/deriving a record (where applicable), fields are automatically realigned in the following manner after saving:
LDR → 001 (→ 004 for Holdings) → other 00X → 005 → other fields → 999 (999 is always at the bottom)
See examples for Bib record:
/ - please review
Yauhen Viazau September 12, 2023 at 12:57 PMEdited
Hey – I found a few issues:-
-1) It looks like we still cannot move certain "special" fields (001, 005, 008, 999 etc.) - these fields also don't have "+" icon. Also, any movable field cannot be moved across those fields (for example, if we have 100 field below 005, we cannot move 100 above 005).-
See example:
-2) We can actually move fields across 999 field (unlike for other fields mentioned above) - but after derive/create 999 field automatically moved at the bottom again:
3) For derive/create, 005 field also automatically moved below other 00X:
In general, for derive/create, fields are automatically rearranged in following order: LDR → 00X → 005 → other fields → 999
This ticket was not deployed on Snapshot-1

Denys Bohdan September 12, 2023 at 10:38 AM
Hey , it looks like order of 0XX fields isn't saved when editing/deriving/creating MARC records. Could someone on back-end team take a look please?


Apply this requirement to Create/Edit/Derive MARC bib/holdings/authority
Currently, we do not allow a user to
Add 003/004 (unless MARC holdings)/006/007 in sequential order
With changes to 008, we do not allow a user to add a 006/007 before the 008
See screenshot of current issue
Allow for any MARC field 00X to be moved up and down
Leader field is always first so no change to current display and behavior
Apply a Add new row icon to display next to any MARC field 00X
No change to any MARC field 00X logic and behavior
Screenshot of current issue