MARC Holdings | Print Source record
Potential Workaround
is cloned by
relates to
hideTestRail: Results
Yauhen Viazau February 23, 2023 at 3:31 PM
Verified on Snapshot-2 env - works as expected
Able to print as user with following permissions:
Inventory: All permissions
quickMARC: View, edit MARC holdings record
Please see attched screencast:

Khalilah Gambrell February 22, 2023 at 12:55 PM
- I say keep with what you implemented, we will not enforce a default. cc:

Daniil_Patckin February 22, 2023 at 12:30 PMEdited
I was guide by:
If we programmatically set the landscape layout by default, it deprives the user of the opportunity to change the layout to portrait in the browser's print dialogue. To change it he has to open the system print dialogue. It looks complicated.
Which way is prefer?
Yauhen Viazau February 22, 2023 at 7:46 AM
I found that default layout is not always "Landscape" when printing "MARC bib" source, "MARC authority", "MARC holdings" source.
The default setting is actually the last setting that user selected. So, if a user selects "Portrait" layout once, then it will be the default setting for further prints:
Maybe "Layout" option should be set to "Landscape" and locked then?
- could you fix this in scope of this ticket (for Bib, Authority, Holdings)?
Yauhen Viazau February 21, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Tested on Snaphot-1 - failed for non-admin user
Please see attached screencasts:
- there is some permission issue here.
I can print as an admin (works as expected), but cannot print as user with following permissions:
Inventory: All permissions
quickMARC: View, edit MARC holdings record
Permissions above allow user to see Holdings and its source so, by description, they should allow user to print Holdings source.


As a librarian, I want the ability to print my source record so that I can review any changes.
Applies to View Source record – MARC holdings record
If user has the permission to view MARC holdings then s/he/they have ability to print
On the View Source record - add a Print option (see screenshot 1. Its a bib record but MARC holdings will have the same implementation.)
When user clicks the Print option then it acts the same as clicking web browser print currently with the following EXCEPTIONS (see screenshot 2)
Do not show the Universal header
Do not show the "X" on the same line as the title
Do not show the detail record paneheader
Display on the top of the print page <<instance/bib title name linked to holdings record>>
Clicking Print should prompt user to specify a file name AND download the Source record in pdf format
Implementation - same as Print Bibliographic record
Screenshot 1 - MARC Bib record but MARC holdings will have the same implementation