Denys Bohdan
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Khalilah Gambrell
Khalilah GambrellLabels
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Development Team
Nolana (R3 2022)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created July 20, 2022 at 12:12 AM
Updated March 8, 2024 at 5:55 PM
Resolved September 2, 2022 at 3:40 PM
As a cataloger, I want the ability to use a keyboard shortcut to navigate from one subfield to another in single textbox, so that I can easily edit a subfield.
Shortcut keys Requirements
Apply to the following quickMARC pages: Edit bib, Derive a new bib, Create a holdings, Edit a holdings, Edit an authority record
Must support navigating to the left and to the right of all subfields in a single text box
Must support use on Mac and Windows operating systems
Must support use on international keyboards. Will need to verify with the community or on a keyboard layout emulator
Cannot conflict with Windows/Mac operating systems shortcut keys
Cannot conflict with Chrome browser
Cannot conflict NVDA and JAWS software
Proposed keys: Ctrl + ] and Ctrl + [ (PC) AND CONTROL + [ and CONTROL + ](MAC)
Confirm with John Coburn
Acceptance criteria
Given I am on a quickMARC record
When I have the cursor in a MARC field textbox AND use the shortcut key
Then the cursor and focus should move to the next subfield in the textbox
Given I am on a quickMARC record
When I have the cursor in a MARC field textbox AND use the shortcut key
Then the cursor and focus should move to the previous subfield in the textbox