Library CRUD UI v1
Potential Workaround
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Cate Boerema May 15, 2018 at 3:06 PM
Oh, I actually think scenario 4 was where I was trying to say that you couldn't CRUD libraries without first selecting a campus. It wasn't clear though
So that's now covered by I'll note that in the story description.
Adam Shire May 15, 2018 at 12:12 PM
I'm not sure how scenario 4 and 5 are different other than 5 has more detail about the fields.
Adam Shire May 15, 2018 at 12:06 PM
My mistake. I read the user story wrong and thought that the items were supposed to be in alpha-order.
Cate Boerema May 15, 2018 at 7:39 AM
I can confirm that the hierarchy is Institutions > Campuses > Libraries > Locations. Adam, do you have reason to think this will be problematic for some institutions? There was discussion early on of letting the names of these levels be configurable, but we moved away from that thinking that fixed levels and labels would aid cross-tenant reporting (when we get to that).
Zak Burke May 15, 2018 at 12:37 AM
@Adam Shire, I'm pretty sure the hierarchy is institution > campus > library > location. From the schema point of view, at least, this is how things are configured, and this is the order of elements in the third mockup (
Is there somebody we can double check this with?
Purpose: Implementation of basic library CRUD. Will circle back on this later to add the locations column, once we have location CRUD working.
User story:
As a FOLIO administrator
I want a UI for creating, reading, updating and deleting library records
So I can use them when creating locations
Scenario: :check_mark:
Given Settings > Organization
When displayed
Then an option for "Location setup: libraries" should display :check_mark:
Should be in alpha order relative to the other options that don't begin with "Location setup:", but of the options that do begin with "Location setup:", it should come directly below "Location setup: campuses" as shown in the below linked wireframes :check_mark:
Scenario:CB: Newly added scenario, as this is how Zak implemented it. Seems like it's probably fine as implemented.
Given Settings > Organization > Location setup: libraries
When selected
Then an Institution menu should display: :check_mark:
Containing all institutions that have been created in "Location setup: institutions" :check_mark:
Default: Select an institution :check_mark:
Scenario: :check_mark:
Given Settings > Organization > Location setup: libraries
When selected
Then a Campus menu should display: :check_mark:
Containing all campuses that have been created in "Location setup: campuses" :check_mark:
Default: Select a campus :check_mark:
Scenario: CB: This was not well worded. I had intended this to convey that, unless a campus has been selected, you shouldn't be able to CRUD libraries. Anyway, I have created a new story for this behavior UIORG-83
Given the Institution menu on Settings > Organization > Location setup: libraries
When Campus A is selected
Then I can CRUD libraries for Campus A
Scenario: :check_mark:
Given Library CRUD on Settings > Organization > Location setup: libraries
When displayed
Then I should be able to CRUD libraries using the standard ControlledVocab component (per STCOM-228) configured with the following columns:
Name - Required
Code - Optional
Last updated
"<dateEdited> by <editorLastName>, <editorFirstName>"
Name should be link to user record
OUT OF SCOPE: # of locations - Count of location records using this library
Scenario :check_mark:
Given a user does not have a First name specified
When displayed in the Last updated column
Then the comma between last and first name should not display
Given the controlled vocab CRUD pages
When User A is displayed in the Last updated column
Then the name should be a link to User A record CB: Let's do this even though it's not shown as such in the mockup
Scenario :check_mark:
Given the dates displaying in the Last updated column
When locale is changed in Settings > Organization > Language and localization
Then the date format should update accordingly
Scenario :check_mark:
Given a value row in the controlled vocab table
When displayed
Then a delete button/icon should be displayed
Scenario :check_mark:
Given an libraries is NOT in use by one or more location record
When delete button/icon is clicked
Then a window will pop up asking user to confirm the deletion or cancel the deletion as shown here:
Header: Delete library? CB: Please use sentence case, despite the title case used in the mock-ups
Body: <valueName> will be removed from <controlledVocabType>.
Buttons: Cancel, Delete
Scenario :check_mark:
Given the Delete button on the delete confirmation popup
When clicked
Then the value will be deleted and a confirmation will appear after the deletion has occurred reading, "The library <valueName> was successfully deleted." See
Scenario :check_mark:
Given the Cancel button on the delete confirmation window
When clicked
Then the value will not be deleted and the modal popup will close
Scenario :check_mark:
Given a library with no name specified
When save is attempted
Save is not allowed
Validation message should display reading, "Please fill this in to continue"
Scenario :check_mark:
Given Settings > Orgaization> Location setup: libraries has unsaved changes
When I navigate away from the page by clicking another navigational element in FOLIO OR using the back button in the browser
Then I am presented with an unsaved changes notification
Text: Save changes?
Discard changes - Discards changes and allows user to navigate as indicated
Cancel - Closes notification popup and leaves user on create/edit user page. Unsaved changes remain and are unsaved.
Out of scope:
Location column (will circle back on this once we have location CRUD complete) UIORG-66
Disable delete if used by locations UIORG-67