Institution CRUD UI v1
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results

Cate Boerema April 30, 2018 at 8:40 AMEdited
Thanks for the clarification, . I think what we really need is a permission that we can give to new users which will allow them to CRUD locations. I just created a story for that here: . In the meantime, you can test that scenario by removing the first name from diku_admin, which is the only user that currently has the ability to CRUD locations. I just did that and it tested out fine. The only problem is that the full last name ADMINISTRATOR was cut off so I had to shorten it to Admin in order to see if the comma was present. I'll file a separate issue for the cut off text:
Anyway, I'll indicate the scenario as passed in the story body above.

Anya April 27, 2018 at 4:32 PM
I should of been more clear.
We are unable to test a user making a change with only a last name.
Scenario 3
Given a user does not have a First name specified
When displayed in the Last updated column
Then the comma between last and first name should not display
In order to test this we must have a user with no first name with a set of permissions that allow them to make changes within Settings: Organization:Location setup: institutions.
We need to know what those permissions are.

Cate Boerema April 27, 2018 at 8:46 AM
can you provide some specifics regarding this: "We have tried to create to this, but was unable to get the permission set correctly." in a separate bug report? What are the steps you took, what did you expect to have happen and what actually happened. Thanks much!

Anya April 26, 2018 at 8:01 PM
we need a tester log in with the powers of diku without a first name. We have tried to create to this, but was unable to get the permission set correctly.
Zak Burke April 26, 2018 at 5:49 PMEdited
Moved the navigation reformatting into its own ticket, .
Purpose: Implementation of basic institution CRUD. Will circle back on this later to add the locations column, once we have location CRUD working.
User story:
As a FOLIO administrator
I want a UI for creating, reading, updating and deleting institution records
So I can use them when creating locations
Given Settings > Organization
When displayed
Then an option for "Location setup: institutions" should display
Should be in alpha order relative to the other options that don't begin with "Location setup:", but of the options that do begin with "Location setup:", "Location setup: institutions" should be at the top as shown in the below linked wireframes
Given Settings > Organization > Location setup: institutions
When selected
Then I should be able to CRUD institutions using the standard ControlledVocab component (per STCOM-228) configured with the following columns:
Name - Required
Code - Optional
Last updated
"<dateEdited> by <editorLastName>, <editorFirstName>"
Name should be link to user record
OUT OF SCOPE: # of locations - Count of location records using this institution
Given a user does not have a First name specified
When displayed in the Last updated column
Then the comma between last and first name should not display
Given the controlled vocab CRUD pages
When User A is displayed in the Last updated column
Then the name should be a link to User A record CB: Let's do this even though it's not shown as such in the mockup
Given the dates displaying in the Last updated column
When locale is changed in Settings > Organization > Language and localization
Then the date format should update accordingly
Given a value row in the controlled vocab table
When displayed
Then a delete button/icon should be displayed
Given an institution is NOT in use by one or more location record
When delete button/icon is clicked
Then a window will pop up asking user to confirm the deletion or cancel the deletion as shown here:
Header: Delete institution? CB: Please use sentence case, despite the title case used in the mock-ups
Body: "The <type> <value> will be deleted."
Buttons: Cancel, Delete
Given the Delete button on the delete confirmation popup
When clicked
Then the value will be deleted and a confirmation will appear after the deletion has occurred reading, "The institution <valueName> was successfully deleted." See
Given the Cancel button on the delete confirmation window
When clicked
Then the value will not be deleted and the modal popup will close
Given an institution with no name specified
When save is attempted
Save is not allowed
Validation message should display reading, "Please fill this in to continue"
Given Settings > Orgaization> Location setup: institutions has unsaved changes
When I navigate away from the page by clicking another navigational element in FOLIO OR using the back button in the browser
Then I am presented with an unsaved changes notification
Text: Save changes?
Discard changes - Discards changes and allows user to navigate as indicated
Cancel - Closes notification popup and leaves user on create/edit user page. Unsaved changes remain and are unsaved.
Out of scope:
Location column (will circle back on this once we have location CRUD complete UIORG-60
Disable delete when used by locations UIORG-62