Institution CRUD UI v1


Purpose: Implementation of basic institution CRUD. Will circle back on this later to add the locations column, once we have location CRUD working.

User story:
As a FOLIO administrator
I want a UI for creating, reading, updating and deleting institution records
So I can use them when creating locations


  1. Scenario:

    • Given Settings > Organization

    • When displayed

    • Then an option for "Location setup: institutions" should display

      • Should be in alpha order relative to the other options that don't begin with "Location setup:", but of the options that do begin with "Location setup:", "Location setup: institutions" should be at the top as shown in the below linked wireframes

  2. Scenario:

    • Given Settings > Organization > Location setup: institutions

    • When selected

    • Then I should be able to CRUD institutions using the standard ControlledVocab component (per STCOM-228) configured with the following columns:

      • Name - Required

      • Code - Optional

      • Last updated

        • "<dateEdited> by <editorLastName>, <editorFirstName>"

        • Name should be link to user record

      • OUT OF SCOPE: # of locations - Count of location records using this institution

  3. Scenario

    • Given a user does not have a First name specified

    • When displayed in the Last updated column

    • Then the comma between last and first name should not display

  4. Scenario

    • Given the controlled vocab CRUD pages

    • When User A is displayed in the Last updated column

    • Then the name should be a link to User A record CB: Let's do this even though it's not shown as such in the mockup

  5. Scenario

    • Given the dates displaying in the Last updated column

    • When locale is changed in Settings > Organization > Language and localization

    • Then the date format should update accordingly

  6. Scenario

    • Given a value row in the controlled vocab table

    • When displayed

    • Then a delete button/icon should be displayed

  7. Scenario

    • Given an institution is NOT in use by one or more location record

    • When delete button/icon is clicked

    • Then a window will pop up asking user to confirm the deletion or cancel the deletion as shown here:

      • Header: Delete institution? CB: Please use sentence case, despite the title case used in the mock-ups

      • Body: "The <type> <value> will be deleted."

      • Buttons: Cancel, Delete

  8. Scenario

  9. Scenario

    • Given the Cancel button on the delete confirmation window

    • When clicked

    • Then the value will not be deleted and the modal popup will close

  10. Scenario

    • Given an institution with no name specified

    • When save is attempted

    • Then:

      • Save is not allowed

      • Validation message should display reading, "Please fill this in to continue"

  11. Scenario

    • Given Settings > Orgaization> Location setup: institutions has unsaved changes

    • When I navigate away from the page by clicking another navigational element in FOLIO OR using the back button in the browser

    • Then I am presented with an unsaved changes notification

      • Text: Save changes?

      • Buttons:

        • Discard changes - Discards changes and allows user to navigate as indicated

        • Cancel - Closes notification popup and leaves user on create/edit user page. Unsaved changes remain and are unsaved.


Out of scope:

  • Location column (will circle back on this once we have location CRUD complete UIORG-60

  • Disable delete when used by locations UIORG-62



Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Cate Boerema April 30, 2018 at 8:40 AM

Thanks for the clarification, . I think what we really need is a permission that we can give to new users which will allow them to CRUD locations. I just created a story for that here: . In the meantime, you can test that scenario by removing the first name from diku_admin, which is the only user that currently has the ability to CRUD locations. I just did that and it tested out fine. The only problem is that the full last name ADMINISTRATOR was cut off so I had to shorten it to Admin in order to see if the comma was present. I'll file a separate issue for the cut off text:

Anyway, I'll indicate the scenario as passed in the story body above.

Anya April 27, 2018 at 4:32 PM

I should of been more clear.

We are unable to test a user making a change with only a last name.

Scenario 3

  • Given a user does not have a First name specified

  • When displayed in the Last updated column

  • Then the comma between last and first name should not display

In order to test this we must have a user with no first name with a set of permissions that allow them to make changes within Settings: Organization:Location setup: institutions.

We need to know what those permissions are.

Cate Boerema April 27, 2018 at 8:46 AM

can you provide some specifics regarding this: "We have tried to create to this, but was unable to get the permission set correctly." in a separate bug report? What are the steps you took, what did you expect to have happen and what actually happened. Thanks much!

Anya April 26, 2018 at 8:01 PM

we need a tester log in with the powers of diku without a first name. We have tried to create to this, but was unable to get the permission set correctly.

Zak Burke April 26, 2018 at 5:49 PM

Moved the navigation reformatting into its own ticket, .






Fix versions

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 18, 2018 at 4:36 PM
Updated June 7, 2018 at 12:41 PM
Resolved May 3, 2018 at 7:42 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs