Poll on the list landing page to update new lists
Potential Workaround
- 14 Nov 2023, 06:37 AM
- 09 Nov 2023, 07:15 AM
- 09 Nov 2023, 07:11 AM
is continued by
hideTestRail: Results
Emma_Haroyan November 14, 2023 at 6:37 AM
Tested on int env.
Works as expected
Emma_Haroyan November 13, 2023 at 2:29 PM
Tested on int env.
Expected result: Displays toast message "<Listname> was created. Reload to see changes. Note: the list may not appear based on filters.
Ryan Berger November 9, 2023 at 7:42 PM
Yes, will address both issues @Emma_Haroyan and @Kathleen Moore
Kathleen Moore November 9, 2023 at 6:27 PMEdited
@Ryan Berger - can we also update the language used in the toast? I'll also update the description to reflect these changes
List 2 was created. Reload to see changes. Note: the list may not appear based on filters.
New lists were created. Reload to see changes. Note: new lists may not appear based on filters.
Kathleen Moore November 9, 2023 at 6:14 PM
agreed that neither of these are desired behaviors; the toast should only appear for newly created lists.
Ryan Berger
Ryan BergerReporter
Kathleen Moore
Kathleen MoorePriority
Story Points
Development Team
Fix versions
Quesnelia (R1 2024)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 11, 2023 at 12:01 AM
Updated March 29, 2024 at 1:33 PM
Resolved November 15, 2023 at 2:02 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
The main list page should periodically poll for updated list information. When you've already loaded the page, and someone else takes an action on a list (refresh, create new, edit), those updates should appear on the list landing page.
Scenario: List landing page displays updated list info
Given user A has the list overview page open
And user B initiates a refresh on List 1
When the refresh on List 1 completes
Then user A sees updated info displayed for List 1
List name, record count, last updated date
New list:
Scenario: List landing page displays newly created list
Given user A has the list overview page open
When user B creates a shared list, List 2
Then user A sees a notification "List 2 was created. Reload to see changes. Note: the list may not appear based on filters." "List 2 was created. Refresh to see changes. Note that list may not appear if filters are applied."
And List 2 appears on the list overview page
And number of lists is updated to reflect the new list
Scenario: List landing page: multiple lists are created within polling period
Given user A has the list overview page open
When user B creates shared lists, List 2 and List 3
Then user A sees a notification "New lists were created. Reload to see changes. Note: new lists may not appear based on filters." "New lists were created. Refresh to see changes. Note that list may not appear if filters are applied."
And List 2 and List 3 appear on the list overview page
And number of lists is updated to reflect the new list