Display information about the underlying MetaDB database
Potential Workaround
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Mike Taylor February 6, 2025 at 11:31 AMEdited
Yes, this looks good on snapshot.
(Note. It only works when connected to a Metadb database, not when connected to the LDP Classic database that is set in place by the overnight build.)

Mike Taylor February 5, 2025 at 5:38 PM
Having seen this running on snapshot, I made some tweaks to the new Database Info section:
Clicking Database info now goes initially to Updates tab within that section.
The tabs in the new section have been re-ordered to Updates, Processes, Logs in that order.
The Processes tab displays a more specific message when empty,
The Logs tab generally downloads and formats a lot of data, which takes several seconds, so now it displays a spinner while loading the
These changes will be on snapshot tomorrow; once I’ve verified them, I will close this as done.

Mike Taylor February 4, 2025 at 7:01 PM
This should be on snapshot soon.

Mike Taylor February 3, 2025 at 12:03 PM
Last week, I got caught up in an unproductive side-quest to present theDatabase info section of the Reporting app as a set of tabs for logs, updates and processes. This resulting in my getting mired in strange behaviours of react-router and CSS, which I could fix given enough time but which don’t seem important enough to spend a lot of resources on.
So instead I a just going to present them in whatever way is quickest and easiest, so I can move on from this to the substantial load of new issues!

Mike Taylor January 28, 2025 at 5:54 PM
I can’t work on this properly until I can change on the fly what reporting database snapshot is connected to. That’s .


As documented at a running MetaDB instance can provide information about itself, such as its version number, when the various tables were last updated, system logging messages and query status. It would be helpful to expose at least some of this in the Reporting app.
For this to work, the corresponding back-end module would need to be extended to provide APIs that access the relevant information. I won’t file an issue in MODLDP, since we are deprecating that. I’ll added to the GitHub tracker for its replacement, mod-reporting.