Hi , looks good - this morning. I'll close the issue as done.
John Coburn August 3, 2017 at 1:21 PM
Thanks ... not sure why this change didn't land initially, probably something on my end of the deal.. regardless, it's committed now... should be landing on folio-testing soonish...
When doing right click in the Item list, I don't get the menu with the option to open in a new tab. The pop up menu is different from Users. I'll re-open this issue.
John Coburn July 30, 2017 at 3:28 AM
Taking it... and committing the changes to Items.js.
Jason Skomorowski July 25, 2017 at 12:59 PM
I know immediately I didn't touch any of that: my part in this was persisting the token in stripes-core. John did the work in stripes-components that allows the list items to manifest as something the browser recognises as links. Not sure who did it in users nor what needs to change in items.
Overview: This is working for Users but not Items
Log into folio-testing
Go to Items
Right click on an item in the search results
Expected: Should get menu with open in new tab option
Actual: No open in new tab option