Purpose: Correcting the no results found error that was previously specified. It was originally requested that we reference the search term in the no results found message, but that's a bad idea because you can get no results without having entered any search terms (using filters alone).
Given the Items List in the Inventory app
When applied search and filters return no results
Then the following message should be displayed:
No results found. Please check your spelling and filters.
Observation: If I haven't entered a search term, but only click on a filter, and my search doesn't return I result, then I get the No result-message as in the spec here, but a message, telling me "No results found. Please check your filters" would be equal the solution in UIU-158.
Purpose: Correcting the no results found error that was previously specified. It was originally requested that we reference the search term in the no results found message, but that's a bad idea because you can get no results without having entered any search terms (using filters alone).
Given the Items List in the Inventory app
When applied search and filters return no results
Then the following message should be displayed:
No results found. Please check your spelling and filters.