Edit Item Page Should Have Own URL
Potential Workaround
is blocked by
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hideTestRail: Results

Cate Boerema November 20, 2017 at 10:37 AM
I'm closing this because we are deprecating Items. I have created a more general issue for ensuring all edit new pages in search-based modules get their own URLs: FOLIO-941

Mike Taylor November 17, 2017 at 10:38 AM
All of this should follow from the work I'm doing in STRIPES-462. Once that's complete, the code for entering edit mode, or pulling up the new-record form, or showing/hiding the notes pane, or what have you, will be shared between all the modules of the general search-and-sort-and-display-and-edit variety: Users, Items (if that's still around), Instances, Requests, and no doubt plenty more that will come along later. So all of those modules will have unique URLs for each of those states.
So I think the way to go is probably to file a Jira for each state that we want such modules to have a unique URL for (edit, new, notes, etc.), giving each a generic title like "Modules should have a unique URL for 'new record' page"; and make all of those blocked by STRIPES-462. Any any existing issues such as this one can either be closed or – more fun, I think – made blocked by the new generic issues. That way, when I get to the point where I'm able to fix the generic issues, I have the satisfying experience of closing all the dependent issues, too

Cate Boerema November 17, 2017 at 9:12 AM
I like that idea! We want all pages in FOLIO to have own URL. We really should look for a way to build that into the technology and/or process so that it happens by default. Is making a more general solution going to require a lot of work?
We already have an umbrella story for "Navigational Elements in FOLIO Should Support Right Click to Open in New Tab" FOLIO-725. I was originally asked to create individual stories in there for every page. Sounds like we want to take a different approach. Should I remove the individual stories now and replace with more general ones? Or does it now make sense for a developer to write up the linked work items?

Mike Taylor November 16, 2017 at 3:03 PM
Given that, and that the approach I wanted to take would fix this for all modules at once so we'll automatically get it for the Items functionality in whatever UI module it ends up in, I agree that we can close the present issue.
Or maybe rename it to something like "All modules' 'New X' pages should have their own URLs", and leave it open until I'm in a position to do that.

Cate Boerema November 16, 2017 at 2:57 PM
This should probably be closed as wont do since it sounds like we are deprecating Items. @Jakub Skoczen, @Niels Erik Nielsen?
Purpose: By giving each FOLIO page a unique URL, we make it possible to open pages in multiple tabs (for multi-tasking) and to bookmark commonly used pages.
Given the Items app
When the Edit Item page (accessed by clicking Edit icon on Item Details) is displayed
Then the page URL should be unique to the Edit Item Page