Purpose: To implement the first pass at the instance Codex record so we have the object established in FOLIO. We are starting with the simplest metadata for the record (we selected elements that we were pretty certain were 1:1 with the record). The record's metadata will grow and evolve as we get more input from SMEs on what belongs.
NOTE: We might want to hold off on making the link between this new instance record and the item record we already have, as discussions are underway as to whether we need a "holdings record" in between (holdings records generally include the extent of holdings for multipart items (so coverage date ranges) and may also include location).
@VBar, we are starting sprint 17 today. It would be great if we could close this (assuming it's complete). Thanks!
Cate Boerema June 19, 2017 at 2:28 PM
@VBar, @Jakub Skoczen, did you guys discuss Vince taking a stab at this this sprint?
Jakub Skoczen June 13, 2017 at 11:35 AM
@VBar@Cate Boerema As discussed the first step here would be to rough-in some initial specs (RAML + JSON schema). Vince, is this something you could take a stab at? It doesn't need to be perfect or complete, just something that could get the developers started and better grasp the concept.
Purpose: To implement the first pass at the instance Codex record so we have the object established in FOLIO. We are starting with the simplest metadata for the record (we selected elements that we were pretty certain were 1:1 with the record). The record's metadata will grow and evolve as we get more input from SMEs on what belongs.
NOTE: We might want to hold off on making the link between this new instance record and the item record we already have, as discussions are underway as to whether we need a "holdings record" in between (holdings records generally include the extent of holdings for multipart items (so coverage date ranges) and may also include location).
See this spreadsheet for the first pass set of metadata: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DlVQf8iJvt7maeImiX2KO-sD6jliXwnM6iU3bhyDIWA/edit#gid=1735594141. Only the items with UIIT-20 are in scope for this story.