Matt ConnollyMatt ConnollyReporter
Charlotte WhittCharlotte WhittTester Assignee
Charlotte WhittCharlotte WhittPriority
P2Story Points
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TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: CasesTestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Matt Connolly
Matt ConnollyReporter
Charlotte Whitt
Charlotte WhittTester Assignee
Charlotte Whitt
Charlotte WhittPriority
Story Points
Development Team
Fix versions
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 29, 2019 at 2:57 PM
Updated September 15, 2020 at 9:03 AM
Resolved February 24, 2020 at 12:58 PM
Purpose: Nature of content is an element in the instance record in Inventory. This story describes how filter on Nature of content is to be part of the Instance segment (, and the display is to be using a search box with the possibility to browse in the long list of Nature of content. The implementation is to be similar to what has been described for several other new filters, e.g. Mode os issuance in the Instance record (
The Nature of content is defined in Settings > Inventory > Instances > Nature of content.
The Nature of content is displayed in the Instance record:
Usecase: As a cataloger, I want to search and filter my search on terms in the Nature of content list. These terms can be defined as folio terms or locally defined by the tenant - see
Login to FOLIO Snapshot , and go to Inventory
When the Instance segment is selected
Then filter for Nature of content is listed in the order according to (after: Mode of issuance, and before Classification type). The Nature of content filter is displayed collapsed by default
When click on the little caret the filter will be unfold
Then Nature of content filter displays a search box
Reference values for Nature of content is defined in Settings > Inventory > Instances > Nature of content
When start enter search, with the cursor in the search box
Then a drop down menu with the first six Nature of content are listed
When more than six terms
Then the window shows the first six, with a scroll bar
The search is performed as keyword. So when entered e.g. 'book'
Then a drop down menu with Nature of content with the word 'book' is displayed. The term 'book' is to be highlighted
When selecting "textbook" in the drop down menu
Then the search result is narrowed down to only return instance records, where the Nature of content is "textbook"
Out of scope: for this story will be
1) hit count of Nature of content for each term
2) When no record has the given Nature of content, then the term should not be visible in the list in the filter pane