Inventory search results state not remembered when returning to app
Log into folio-snapshot
Go to inventory
Search for Al Gore
This will give you about 4 title results
Open Al Gore and Global Warming
Scroll down and open item
Go to checkout and checkout
Go back to inventory
Close the item record
The 4 al gore search results should still display in the results pane and Al Gore and Global Warming instance should be open
Al gore should still be entered into the search box Created a new issue for this, as it seems to be a general problem with the component.: STSMACOM-232
Actual: While Al Gore and Global Warming is still open, the search results and search term are gone
Additional information: I ran a similar test with Users and it worked fine. I did a search for John, opened one of the results, opened the Loans page for that user, went to Check out app and returned to Users. When I closed the Loans page, I saw the search results from before displaying.
Hi yes that sounds like a different bug (probably stripes-smart-components). Thanks for testing this one!
Cate Boerema July 19, 2019 at 9:08 AM
Hi the state is now being remembered which is a HUGE improvement. The only thing is that the search term is gone from the search box. I think it should still be there, especially since the Reset all button under the search term is inactive (so how would I reset the search?). I checked Users and this is a problem there, as well, so this should probably be a separate stripes component bug. I'll close this one and open a separate one for the other issue.
Log into folio-snapshot
Go to inventory
Search for Al Gore
This will give you about 4 title results
Open Al Gore and Global Warming
Scroll down and open item
Go to checkout and checkout
Go back to inventory
Close the item record
The 4 al gore search results should still display in the results pane and Al Gore and Global Warming instance should be open
Al gore should still be entered into the search box Created a new issue for this, as it seems to be a general problem with the component.: STSMACOM-232
Actual: While Al Gore and Global Warming is still open, the search results and search term are gone
Additional information: I ran a similar test with Users and it worked fine. I did a search for John, opened one of the results, opened the Loans page for that user, went to Check out app and returned to Users. When I closed the Loans page, I saw the search results from before displaying.