Charlotte Whitt
Charlotte WhittTester Assignee
Charlotte Whitt
Charlotte WhittPriority
Story Points
Development Team
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 26, 2018 at 1:37 PM
Updated March 24, 2022 at 10:32 AM
Purpose: Mark for delete means, that a cataloger, who do not hold the permission to do a deletion, is able to just do 'Mark holdings for delete' of a given holdings record by setting a boolean check mark in the holdings record. And then her cataloger colleague with super power and with permission to perform deletion, will go in and filter on all holdings records marked for delete, and then delete them one-by-one (and later in bulk mode).
Only following action will be in scope of this story:
Mark holdings for delete
Use case: As a cataloger I want to be able to mark any given holdings record for deletion.
Login to FOLIO snapshot, go to Inventory
Given any instance record, with holdings records
When holdings record displayed in detailed view
Then the Actions menu holds following actions:
Edit holdings change of the label, is a different UIIN-XXXX story
Duplicate holdings change of the label, is a different UIIN-XXXX story
Mark holdings for delete New
Delete holdings change of the label, is a different UIIN-XXXX story
Mark holdings for delete has the flag icon in front of the text "Mark holdings for delete"
Given a "Mark holdings for delete" option in the actions drop-down
When clicked
Then a "Confirm mark for deletion" modal should appear as shown in wireframe
Given the "Confirm mark for deletion" model
When displayed
If no items records are associated with the holdings record then, the cataloger gets following message, e.g.
"Holdings record HRID ho00000000006, location Main Library has no item records associated or other dependencies and will be deleted."
And then the cataloger can decide to 'Cancel' or 'Confirm'
Given a 'Cancel' button
Then the action is terminated
The cataloger gets back to the detailed view of the given holdings record
Given a 'Confirm" button
When clicked
Then the Mark for delete action is performed,
and a boolean is set on the record
Given the "Mark for delete holdings record" model
When displayed and there are one or more item records associated with the instance record, then the cataloger gets following message, e.g.
"Holdings record HRID ho00000000006, location Main Library has 5 item records associated with this holdings record. To be able to continue mark for deletion of this holdings record, all associated item records must be marked for deletion or deleted"
And the cataloger can not perform the Mark for delete action, before the associated item records are marked for deletion or deleted.
at the bottom of the modal, is a button 'Cancel'
Given a "Cancel" button on the "Confirm mark for delete" modal
When clicked
Then the "Confirm mark for delete" modal will close and the mark for deletion will be cancelled
And the cataloger gets back to detailed view of the holdings record
List of usecases gathered by the MM-SIG (10/18/2018) :