Settings page. Inventory > Instances, Holdings, Items > Statistical codes and Statistical code names
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Charlotte Whitt December 18, 2018 at 4:02 PM
Manual test in FOLIO Snapshot, version @folio/inventory 1.5.1000384, using Chrome.
All looks good and I'll close the issue as done.

Charlotte Whitt November 27, 2018 at 9:18 PM
Hi - Thanks. I just drafted STCOM-410, and will move Scenario#13 to this new ticket.

Aditya matukumalli November 27, 2018 at 9:08 PM
Yes, the current component doesn't support this behavior. We may have to create a new stripes components ticket for this.

Charlotte Whitt November 19, 2018 at 1:18 PM
Hi - The statistical code and statistical code names in Scenario#13 is a little different from the former Settings pages you did. Maybe the existing component does not support this, then let me know, and I can move this test of uniqueness of the combined Statistical code associated with Statistical code type to a separate jira ticket.


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TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 14, 2018 at 12:11 PM
Updated November 3, 2023 at 2:54 PM
Resolved December 18, 2018 at 4:03 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Purpose: In Inventory we use the Statistical code element block; which consist of the Statistical code type and Statistical codes and Statistical code names which all three are defined as a select lists in the Instance, Holdings, and Item record. The statistical code element block is repeated in Instance, Holdings and Item records (and later to be implemented in Container record as well).
The statistical code name is a description of the Statistical code. The statistical code and the statistical code name are a value pair.
The statistical codes can be associated with multiple Statistical code types.
A statistical code associated with a Statistical code type are to be unique.
The MM-SIG confirmed the UX wireframe at the MM-SIG meeting on 11/15/2018, and decided to use following Sample Statistical codes with Statistical code types - defined by uChicago:
As a cataloger admin, I want to review and manage the list of Statistical codes and Statistical code name values.
We also need to build in a check - so you can't delete a Statistical code type if in use ().
Login to FOLIO snapshot stable, and go to Settings
When selecting Inventory then in the menu Instances, Holdings, Items is displayed in the 2nd pane
When selecting Instances, Holdings, Items > Statistical codes (displayed as a submenu in 2nd pane)
Then the Statistical codes setting page open (displayed in 3rd pane)
no 4th pane - but later we might have it as a 4 pane layout, when the responsive behavior of Panes/Paneset is implemented - STCOM-274
When the Statistical codes setting page is open,
Then the top bar in 3rd pane display: Statistical codes
The Statistical codes has following predefined values (from the Sample Statistical codes, Statistical code names with Statistical code types - defined by uChicago:
||Statistical codes||Statistical codes names||Statistical code types||Source||
|arch|Archives (arch)|RECM (Record management)|folio|
|ASER|Active serial|SERM (Serial management)|folio|
|audstream|Streaming audio (audstream)|DISC (Discovery)|folio|
|books|Books, print (books)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|compfiles|Computer files, CDs, etc. (compfiles)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|ebooks|Books, electronic (ebooks)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|emaps|Maps, electronic (emaps)|DISC (Discovery)|folio|
|emusic|Music scores, electronic (emusic)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|ENF|Entry not found|SERM (Serial management)|folio|
|eserials|Serials, electronic (eserials)|DISC (Discovery)|folio|
|evisual|visual, static, electronic|DISC (Discovery)|folio|
|ISER|Inactive serial|SERM (Serial management)|folio|
|its|Information Technology Services (its)|RECM (Record management)|folio|
|maps|Maps, print (maps)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|mfiche|Microfiche (mfiche)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|mfilm|Microfilm (mfilm)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|mmedia|Mixed media (mmedia)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|mss|Manuscripts (mss)|RECM (Record management)|folio|
|music|Music scores, print (music)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|polsky|Polsky TECHB@R (polsky)|RECM (Record management)|folio|
|rmusic|Music sound recordings (rmusic)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|rnonmusic|Non-music sound recordings (rnonmusic)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|serials|Serials, print (serials)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|UCPress|University of Chicago Press Imprint|RECM (Record management)|folio|
|vidstream|Streaming video (vidstream)|DISC (Discovery)|folio|
|visual|Visual materials, DVDs, etc. (visual)|ARL (Collection stats)|folio|
|withdrawn|Withdrawn (withdrawn)|RECM (Record management)|folio|
|XOCLC|Do not share with OCLC|RECM (Record management)|folio|
When click on '+New' button in the top right corner
then enter a new Statistical code value and Statistical code name and select the Statistical code type, which is to be associated with the given statistical code and name
save the value by click on 'Save'
When viewing the 3rd pane and checking the the newly created Statistical code and name
the term will be added in the alphabetic order of the existing terms
the auto generated source code will be set to local, and
the time stamp for date created will show - generated by the Metadata component
When click on '+New' button in the top right corner
then enter a new value
cancel the edit by click on 'Cancel'
When click on the 'pen'
then it's possible to edit any given statistical code or statistical code name, wether the source is local or folio
When start editing the value then
the action buttons are displayed 'Save' or 'Cancel'
When edit of a Statistical code type value is done
Click on 'Save'
Last updated: Data from the Metadata component to be updated, if changes are 'Saved'
When navigation away when in the middle of edit of the value
Then the standard modal will show, warning about: There are unsaved changes (e.g. like in the Settings > Material types)
When click on the trash icon it's possible to delete the Statistical code and statistical code name value pair
Go to a given Statistical code value, which is to be deleted
click on 'trash icon'
Then the standard modal will show, warning about:
Headline: Delete Statistical code
Text: The Statistical code [given value] will be deleted.
Select buttons: 'Cancel' or 'Delete'
The modal will be e.g. like in the Settings > Material Types
Scenario Moved to STCOM-410
When click on '+ New" and entering an exiting Statistical code name,
then it's only possible to select a statistical code type, which has not already been used
this is to prevent creating a duplicate statistical code + name + associated statistical code type
if all statistical code + name + associated statistical code type has been used, then the select list for Statistical code types will be empty, and the string can not be saved.
Out of scope for this story will be systematic check against deletion of a Statistical code type values with associated instance records - see: UIIN-xxx.