Item record. Delete (only) - first phase
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Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results

Charlotte Whitt April 2, 2019 at 7:52 AMEdited
Manual test in FOLIO Snapshot (, version @folio/inventory 1.7.1000446, using Chrome.
All looks really good. Thanks .
I'll close the issue as done.
Following Scenario is covered by: UIIN:534
Given the 'Confirm delete item' modal
When displayed and
there exist dependencies with other apps, e.g. the Item is being checked out, or there is open request(s) in the Request app, or there is a dependency with the Order app, e.g. On order,
then cataloger gets following message
"Item HRID [*the given Item HRID] with barcode [the given barcode] has existing dependencies and can not be deleted.
And then the cataloger can only back ('Cancel' button).

Niels Erik Nielsen March 29, 2019 at 12:43 PM
This feature is submitted. Only check before delete is whether item is checked out (can not delete) or not (can delete).
The test coverage is not complete yet, but sufficient for the feature to be merged to master. More work needed on tests, but should be possible to review the feature as such once it gets to the server used for testing.


Tester Assignee

Purpose: Implementing the paneheader action menu component, and work on deletion of an item record
As a cataloger I want to be able to delete any given item record. Deletion is only possible, if there is no dependencies, e.g. like the item is being checked out, or there is a open request.
Go to FOLIO snapshot stable and click on Inventory
Given any instance record with associated holdings and item records
When viewing the item record which is to be deleted
Then an arrow down next to the Pane header barcode and item status information is shown - see wireframe
when clicking on the arrow
then a drop-down actions menu should display as shown in wireframe
the action menu items are listed as shown in the wireframe (see above)
Following actions will be in scope of this story:
Given a "Delete" option in the actions drop-down
When clicked
Then a 'Confirm delete item' modal should appear as shown in wireframe (see scenario X and Y)
NOTE: Similar feature is implemented in The Cancel Request modal.
Given the 'Confirm delete item' modal
When displayed and
if no dependencies are associated with other apps, e.g. the Item is being available, or there is no open request in the Request app, or there is no dependencies with the Order app, e.g. On order, then cataloger gets following message
"Item HRID [*the given Item HRID] with barcode [the given barcode] has no dependencies and will be deleted.
And then the cataloger can decide to go Back ('Cancel' button) or confirm ('Delete' button) the deletion.
Given the 'Confirm delete item' modal
When displayed and
there exist dependencies with other apps, e.g. the Item is being checked out, or there is open request(s) in the Request app, or there is a dependency with the Order app, e.g. On order,
then cataloger gets following message
"Item HRID [*the given Item HRID] with barcode [the given barcode] has existing dependencies and can not be deleted.
And then the cataloger can only back ('Cancel' button).
Given a click on the back 'Cancel' button
Then the action is terminated
The cataloger gets back to the detailed view of the given item record
Given a confirm 'Delete' button on the 'Confirm delete item' modal
When clicked
Then the delete action is performed
The item record is being deleted
Given a back 'Cancel' button on the delete record modal
When clicked
Then the Delete record modal will close and the deletion will be cancelled
And the cataloger get back to detailed view of the holdings record
Following dependencies is to be examined for Q2 2019 or Q3 2019:
Check out app
Request app
Order app
A comprehensive list of all future dependencies is to be defined, and check for these to be implemented when these dependencies exist.
In a later phase, will be implemented for catalogers with special permission to perform deletion - also in cases with associated item records
In a later phase a 'waste basket' will be implemented, for catalogers to regret the performed deletion, and pull the record back into the collection
List of usecases gathered by the MM-SIG (10/18/2018) :