Delete instance: check for linked holdings and items

CSP Request Details


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CSP Approved



Purpose: First story for instance record deletion. I discussed how to phase the work on deletion with and he suggested the first story focus on deletion while checking dependencies within Inventory only. So the stories will be broken down something like this:

  1. Delete instance checking dependencies within Inventory

  2. Handle instance deletion when there is an associated PO line item

  3. Handle instance deletion when there is an underlying MARC record

  4. Etc

User story:
As a cataloger I want to be able to delete any given instance record. Deletion is only possible, if there is no holdings records associated with the instance record


  1. Scenario

    • Given the pane header dropdown on the Instance record (view and edit modes)

    • When opened

    • Then "Delete" should be added to the list in alphabetical order with other options (with trash can icon)

  2. Scenario

    • Given an instance record with no holdings

    • When deletion is attempted

    • Then a 'Confirm deletion of instance' modal should appear

      • Should look similar to modal shown when deleting holdings or items:

      • Text should read "Instance HRID [the given Instance HRID] with resource title [The given instance title] has no holdings associated or other dependencies and will be deleted.

      • Options: Cancel, Delete

  3. Scenario

    • Given click on the 'Cancel' button

    • Then the delete action is terminated

    • The cataloger returns to instance record

  4. Scenario

    • Given a 'Delete" button

    • When clicked

    • Then the delete action is performed

    • The instance record is deleted

  5. Scenario

    • Given an instance with holdings (regardless of whether there are items or no items)

    • When delete is attempted

    • Then:

      • Deletion is prevented

      • "Confirm deletion of instance record" modal should display

      • If one holdings record, the modal should display:

        • [The given instance title] has one holdings record associated. To be able to continue deletion of this instance record, then the associated holdings record must be deleted"

      • if more than one holdings record, the modal should display:

        • [The given instance title] has [number] holdings records associated. To be able to continue deletion of this instance record, then all associated holdings records must be deleted"

      • At the bottom of the modal, is a button 'Cancel' which closes the modal and returns user to instance record

      • Should look similar to the analogous modal shown when deleting a holding record


  1. Other actions, as adding Edit, Duplicate etc. is not in scope of this story - see: .

  2. Following dependencies is to be examined:

  3. Check out app

  4. Request app

  5. Order app

  1. A comprehensive list of all future dependencies is to be defined, and check for these to be implemented when these dependencies exist.

  2. In a later phase, will be implemented for catalogers with special permission to perform deletion - also in cases with associated item records

  3. In a later phase a 'waste basket' will be implemented, for catalogers to regret the performed deletion, and pull the record back into the collection




Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Ann-Marie Breaux January 19, 2021 at 4:41 AM

Hi I removed mention of the MARCcat app in the description, since it is not currently being developed.

Charlotte Whitt May 4, 2020 at 8:25 AM

Hi - is one of the features defining - Deletion. Implement action menu in top navigation bar. Enable the user to delete a metadata record (Instance) which is planned for with Fix time: Q1 2021.

With the current work done on MODORDERS-110 - this work should be doable, with not too much development work.

Lisa Sjögren May 1, 2020 at 9:33 PM

Hi ! We want to be able to delete any Inventory instance record through the UI, and this of course without risking breaking any dependencies. Similar to how you can delete items in the UI, but not items that are currently checked out. This is a high priority for all instances, regardless of whether there is an underlying source record or not.

Cate Boerema January 30, 2020 at 1:51 PM

Hi . Just want to check my understanding. You want to be able to delete instances with underlying Libris records? You also want to be able to delete instances with underlying MARC records in SRS? Am I correct to assume that deleting instances with underlying Libris records is higher priority for you?

Lisa Sjögren November 1, 2019 at 9:12 AM

Thank you for the response, !

Since all but ~ 40 of our record either

1) have an underlying record in SRS,
2) have an underlying in Libris, and metadata source MARC

this is a very important aspect. Probably something to include in the discussion.




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Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 1, 2018 at 11:41 AM
Updated May 11, 2021 at 8:10 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs