Instance edit form. Look up feature when assigning Resource type

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


CSP Approved



Purpose: To enhance the selection of terms or codes from the long select list of Resource type terms and codes, when doing create, and update of an instance record.

User story: As a cataloger who is creating/editing instance records, I want to have type-ahead in the look up of "Resource type" fields value of Instance record > Descriptive data accordion so I get some guidance as to which resource types to select from the long select list defined in Settings.


  1. Scenario

    • Go to FOLIO Snapshot stable, and the Inventory app

    • Go to the instance record, and click on the edit icon in the upper right corner

    • When I want to assign a resource type term

    • And I want to get a full overview of all the possibleResource type terms

    • I click on Resource type look up, and do not enter any value in the Resource type elements in the edit form

    • And I get a complete list of all terms and codes - column B and C in

  2. Scenario

    • When I want to assign a more specific resource type term, and I have a fairly good idea about which term to use, but not quite sure

    • Then I type into the Resource type field in the Descriptive data section

    • Then FOLIO should provide auto-complete suggestions based on the resource types defined in the Settings > Inventory > Instance > Resource type list

  3. Scenario

    • Given a Resource type in FOLIO has a term with the begin letters "car"

    • When I type "c", "ca", "car" into e.g. in the Resource type term field in the Descriptive data section

    • Then FOLIO should provide following pop up select list as an auto-complete suggestion

      • cartographic dataset

      • cartographic image

      • cartographic moving image

      • cartographic tactile image

      • cartographic tactile three-dimensional form

      • cartographic three-dimensional form

  4. Scenario

    • Given a Resource type in FOLIO has a code with the begin letters "co"

    • When I type "c", "co" into the Resource type code field in the Descriptive data section

    • Then FOLIO should provide following pop up auto-complete suggestion

      • cod

      • cop

    • Select only one Resource type code in the Lookup modal

    • The Selected Resource type code and the accompanying values in the term list will be entered by the system in the Resource type data fields

will work on a UX wire frame showing the lookup modal etc.

More info:
A similar feature is implemented in the Location Detail section (



Potential Workaround




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Other dev

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Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created August 6, 2018 at 12:41 PM
Updated November 3, 2023 at 2:56 PM
Resolved July 17, 2019 at 8:48 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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