Denys Bohdan
Denys BohdanReporter
Yauhen Viazau
Yauhen ViazauPriority
Story Points
Development Team
Fix versions
Orchid (R1 2023) Bug Fix
RCA Group
Implementation coding issue
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 3, 2023 at 8:07 AM
Updated March 23, 2023 at 4:41 PM
Resolved March 15, 2023 at 5:18 PM
Overview: If "MARC bib" record's field with Subject or Contributor value (e.g. "600", "100") is being linked or unlinked, "MARC authority" icon is not removed/added for the corresponding line in browse results. Page reload is required for thus icon to be shown/removed as appropriate.
Authorized user with the following permissions:
Inventory: All permissions
quickMARC: Can Link/unlink authority records to bib records
quickMARC: View, edit MARC bibliographic record
MARC Authority: View MARC authority record
The system must have the "MARC bibliographic" record with "110" field (you can import the attached "MARC_Bib_110(Beatles_edited).mrc").
The system must have the "MARC authority" record with "110" field (you can import the attached "MARC_Auth_110(Beatles_edited).mrc").
The "110" MARC field of imported "MARC Bibliographic" record must be linked to the "110" field of imported "MARC Authority" record.
Main page of "Inventory" app is opened.
"Browse" toggle selected.
Steps to Reproduce:
Select "Contributors" in browse options dropdown.
Input query in browse input field which matches "110" linked field value of "MARC bibliographic" record (for example: "Beatles").
Click at "Search" button.
Click on the highlighted in bold contributor name, which has "MARC authority" app icon.
Click on the "Actions" button placed in the third pane, select "Edit MARC bibliographic record" option.
Click at "Unlink from MARC authority record" to the right of "110" field → Click at "Unlink" button in modal → Click at "Save & close" button.
Select "Browse" in "Search|Browse" toggle.
Select "Contributors" in browse options dropdown.
Input query in browse input field which matches the value in unlinked "110" field of "MARC bibliographic" record (for example: "Beatles").
Click at "Search" button.
Expected Results:
Contributor entries list shown in second pane.
"Contributor" value which matches browse input query shown in bold text.
"Contributor" value which matches browse input query does NOT have "MARC authority" icon to the left of it.
Actual Results:
Contributor entries list shown in second pane.
"Contributor" value which matches browse input query shown in bold text.
"Contributor" value which matches browse input query still has "MARC authority" icon to the left of it.
Additional Information:
Please see attached screencasts:
If you reload the page, icon is removed as appropriate
The same is reproduced for when the icon should be added
Issue is also reproduced for Subject values
If browse query is not changed and "Search" button is clicked, results not updated at all (not just authority icon) even if changes were made - in case if no updates were made in the same tab (for example, if you perform Browse in one tab, and update the record in second tab)
Interested parties: @Khalilah Gambrell, @Denys Bohdan