Instance. Instance relationship with child instances. Add "un-connected" title (create, edit)

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Purpose: The thin thread implementation of Instance relationship child instances only displays the raw UUID and Instance relationship, and is missing e.g. the possibility to look up titles. The purpose of this story is to be able to add related titles, which are not in the collection. This is done as simple manual edit in text area elements. Similar as possible for preceding and succeeding titles.


  1. Scenario

    • Login to FOLIO Snapshot go to Inventory

    • Given the Instance relationship (analytics and bound-with) accordion of the Instance record (create and edit)

    • When displayed in detailed view

    • Then the "Child instances" sub-section should display as shown in the mockup

  2. Scenario

    • Given the instance record in edit view, and drilled down to the "Add child instance" button

    • When clicked

    • Then an empty row should be added including these fields:

      • Title *

      • Instance HRID - should display uneditable with the text "N/A"

      • Publisher

      • Publication date

      • ISBN

      • ISSN

      • Type of relation - editable, select list (bound-with, monographic series, multipart monograph)

    • Given the Title field

    • When displayed

    • Then a plus icon should display as shown in the mockup

  3. Scenario

    • Given the plus icon

    • When clicked

    • Then the instance search and select popup should display

  4. Scenario

    • Given the instance search and select popup is displaying

    • When an instance is selected

    • Then:

      • The popup should close

      • The Title, Instance HRID, Publisher, Publication date, ISBN and ISSN fields should auto-populate with the data from the selected instance

      • All fields should become read-only, except the Type of relation, select list

        • If there is >1 ISBN or ISSN on the instance record, display all of them listed below each other (on a new line), separated by comma[space]

      • "Connected" text should display above the Title field as shown in the mockup. Text size to be less prominent than the “title” label.

      • Title should be link to connected instance record

      • It is not possible at this time to make this row "not connected"

        • NOTE: The use case for converting a connected title to a disconnected one is when a connected title is very old and the library wants to delete the inventory instance. Current thinking is that, when inventory instances are deleted, any parent instance titles related to that instance will be converted to disconnected titles (and the Title, HRID, Publisher, Publication date, ISBN, and ISSN will be copied/saved in the referencing record)

  5. Scenario

    • Given Instance X is linked to Instance Y as a child title with relationship (bound-with/monographic series/multipart monograph)

    • When Instance X's Title, HRID, Publisher, Publication date, ISBN or ISSN are updated

    • Then the data displaying in Instance Y should also update

  6. Scenario

    • Given a child instance title has been selected from Inventory instances

    • When the plus icon is clicked and another instance is selected

    • Then also the Title, HRID, Publisher, Publication date, ISBN and ISSN data should update to that of the newly selected instance.

  7. Scenario

    • Ensure automated testing coverage for this new code is 80% plus and confirm with screenshot



Potential Workaround




TestRail: Results



Charlotte Whitt May 28, 2024 at 11:31 AM

The screen shoot has probably vanished when the ticket was moved from OLD Jira to NEW Jira. I guess the work is still very much relevant. The screen shoots can be added again by any one doing UX for Inventory

Mariia Aloshyna May 28, 2024 at 8:51 AM

Hi Screenshots for this ticket are not available, is this ticket still relevant? If so, do you have a possibility to upload screenshots? Thank you!





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Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 15, 2021 at 12:26 PM
Updated May 28, 2024 at 11:31 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs