Allow changes between new item statuses
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- 27 Jan 2021, 05:49 PM
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Charlotte Whitt February 16, 2021 at 11:44 AM
Manual test in FOLIO Snapshot Data load, version folio/inventory 5.0.10001153, using Chrome.
All looks great, thanks @Sergiy Sergiyenko and @Andrii Shapovalov. I'll close the ticket as done.
Andrii Shapovalov January 28, 2021 at 4:20 PM
6. Scenario. Transition allowance test according to MODINV-356
Transition Restricted -> In process is Disallowed
Transition Restricted -> In process (non-requestable) is Disallowed
Transition Restricted -> Intellectual item is Disallowed
Transition Restricted -> Long missing is Disallowed
Transition Restricted -> Missing is Disallowed
Transition Restricted -> Unavailable is Disallowed
Transition Restricted -> Unknown is Disallowed
Transition Restricted -> Withdrawn is Disallowed
According to 6.Scenario at this issue ticket these transition should be allowed on BE.
Andrii Shapovalov January 28, 2021 at 2:19 PM
5. Scenario. Transition allowance test according to MODINV-356
Transition Intellectual item -> In process is Disallowed
Transition Intellectual item -> In process (non-requestable) is Disallowed
Transition Intellectual item -> Long missing is Disallowed
Transition Intellectual item -> Missing is Disallowed
Transition Intellectual item -> Restricted is Disallowed
Transition Intellectual item -> Unavailable is Disallowed
Transition Intellectual item -> Unknown is Disallowed
Transition Intellectual item -> Withdrawn is Disallowed
According to 5.Scenario at this issue ticket these transition should be allowed on BE.
Andrii Shapovalov January 28, 2021 at 2:13 PM
4. Scenario. Transition allowance test according to MODINV-356
Transition Unknown -> In process is Disallowed
Transition Unknown -> In process (non-requestable) is Disallowed
Transition Unknown -> Intellectual item is Disallowed
Transition Unknown -> Long missing is Disallowed
Transition Unknown -> Missing is Disallowed
Transition Unknown -> Restricted is Disallowed
Transition Unknown -> Unavailable is Disallowed
Transition Unknown -> Withdrawn is Disallowed
According 4.Scenario at this issue ticket these transition should be allowed on BE.
Andrii Shapovalov January 28, 2021 at 1:54 PM
3. Scenario. Transition allowance test according to MODINV-356
Transition Unavailable -> In process is Disallowed
Transition Unavailable -> In process (non-requestable) is Disallowed
Transition Unavailable -> Intellectual item is Disallowed
Transition Unavailable -> Long missing is Disallowed
Transition Unavailable -> Missing is Disallowed
Transition Unavailable -> Restricted is Disallowed
Transition Unavailable -> Unknown is Disallowed
Transition Unavailable -> Withdrawn is Disallowed
According 3.Scenario at this issue ticket these transition should be allowed on BE.
Scenario :check_mark:
Given an item with the item status long missing
When the Actions menu is open on the item record
Display Mark as missing, Mark as withdrawn, Mark as in process, Mark as In process (non-requestable), Mark as intellectual item, Mark as restricted, Mark as unavailable, and Mark as unknown as options
Do not display Mark as long missing
Scenario :check_mark:
Given an item with the item status in process (non-requestable)
When the Actions menu is open on the item record
Display Mark as missing, Mark as withdrawn, Mark as in process, Mark as intellectual item, Mark as long missing, Mark as restricted, Mark as unavailable, and Mark as unknown as options
Do not display Mark as In process (non-requestable)
Scenario :check_mark:
Given an item with the item status unavailable
When the Actions menu is open on the item record
Display Mark as missing, Mark as withdrawn, Mark as in process, Mark as in process (non-requestable), Mark as intellectual item, Mark as long missing, Mark as restricted, and Mark as unknown as options
Do not display Mark as unavailable
Scenario :check_mark:
Given an item with the item status unknown
When the Actions menu is open on the item record
Display Mark as missing, Mark as withdrawn, Mark as in process, Mark as in process (non-requestable), Mark as intellectual item, Mark as long missing, Mark as restricted, and Mark as unavailable and as options
Do not display Mark as unknown
Scenario :check_mark:
Given an item with the item status intellectual item
When the Actions menu is open on the item record
Display Mark as missing, Mark as withdrawn, Mark as in process, Mark as in process (non-requestable), Mark as long missing, Mark as restricted, and Mark as unavailable, Mark as unknown as options
Do not display Mark as intellectual item
Scenario :check_mark:
Given an item with the item status restricted
When the Actions menu is open on the item record
Display Mark as missing, Mark as withdrawn, Mark as in process, Mark as in process (non-requestable), Mark as intellectual item, Mark as long missing, Mark as unavailable, and Mark as unknown as options
Do not display Mark as restricted
Scenario :check_mark:
Given the Mark as <item status> option
When clicked
Then allow the successful change to that item status
Then display the following modal:
header: Confirm item status: <item status>
body: <Item title> (<material type>) (Barcode: <barcode>)'s item status will be marked as <item status>.
X in upper left corner
Confirm (primary styling)
Scenario :check_mark:
Given a status confirmation modal
When the user selects Confirm
Then allow the successful change to that item status
Scenario :check_mark:
Given a status confirmation modal
When the user selects Cancel
Then close the modal and do not change item's status