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Purpose: As a cataloger I want to see the unique FOLIO Holdings ID (UUID) when viewing my record for the purpose of e.g. catalogers to copy and paste unique reference to an item record into e.g. notes to a colleague.
Go to the detailed view of any given instance record with holdings data
Click on 'Viewing Holdings' and view the detailed holdings record
The Holdings ID (UUID) is the first listed metadata element
the Holdings ID is labeled 'Holdings ID'
When viewing the detail page of the Holdings record
The Holdings ID is a non-editable element
Out of scope for this story:
It has been a MM-SIG SME request to get human readable UUID. Later the display of the unique ID (UUID) maybe will be replaced by a 'human readable' UUID. This awaits technical decision on how to create 'human readable' record ID.
Hi @Charlotte Whitt, I am removing you from the tester assignee field on these because they need to get tested asap, as they are going out in the Q2 release and you are on vacation. You can still do PO acceptance when you get back.
Purpose: As a cataloger I want to see the unique FOLIO Holdings ID (UUID) when viewing my record for the purpose of e.g. catalogers to copy and paste unique reference to an item record into e.g. notes to a colleague.
See specification, row 3:
Log in to FOLIO testing, go to the Inventory app
Go to the detailed view of any given instance record with holdings data
Click on 'Viewing Holdings' and view the detailed holdings record
The Holdings ID (UUID) is the first listed metadata element
the Holdings ID is labeled 'Holdings ID'
When viewing the detail page of the Holdings record
The Holdings ID is a non-editable element
Out of scope for this story:
It has been a MM-SIG SME request to get human readable UUID. Later the display of the unique ID (UUID) maybe will be replaced by a 'human readable' UUID.
This awaits technical decision on how to create 'human readable' record ID.