- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseUIEXPMGR-126Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-126Vadym Shchekotilin
- migrate react-intl to v7UIEXPMGR-125Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-125Vadym Shchekotilin
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUIEXPMGR-124Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-124Vadym Shchekotilin
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUIEXPMGR-123Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-123Vadym Shchekotilin
- Selecting one checkbox refreshes entire formUIEXPMGR-122Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-122Vadym Shchekotilin
- ReleaseUIEXPMGR-120Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-120
- Behavior for claims on organizations tabUIEXPMGR-116Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-116Joseph Reimers
- Update export manager organizations filters to support claimsUIEXPMGR-115Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-115
- Support CSV claims in Export ManagerUIEXPMGR-114Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-114Joseph Reimers
- Support EDIFACT claims in Export ManagerUIEXPMGR-113Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-113Joseph Reimers
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptors for ui-export-managerUIEXPMGR-119Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-119Mikita Siadykh
- UX: Removal of hyphen in ResendUIEXPMGR-112Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-112Dennis Bridges
- Sorting behavior improvements.UIEXPMGR-111
- Sort logs by Description and SourceUIEXPMGR-110Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-110Vadym Shchekotilin
- Permissions cleanup for Instance recordsUIEXPMGR-109Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-109Uladzislau Kutarkin
- React v19: refactor away from default props for functional componentsUIEXPMGR-108Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-108Vadym Shchekotilin
- Update logic related to download filesUIEXPMGR-106Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-106Vadym Shchekotilin
- Update HTML Page Title on Export Manager Tabs PageUIEXPMGR-105Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-105
- ui-export-manager: module releaseUIEXPMGR-104Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-104Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Poppy: Data import job profile will not create multiple holdings/items when conditional mapping is used in field mapping profilesUIEXPMGR-103Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-103Ryan Taylor
- Screen refreshes every time user clicks linksUIEXPMGR-102Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-102Vadym Shchekotilin
- Export manager - Add accessibility testing to automated tests.UIEXPMGR-101Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-101Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Export manager: Run Accessibility Checker and Color Contrast Analyzer toolsUIEXPMGR-99Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-99Uladzislau Kutarkin
- User with permission "Export manager: Download and re-send files" (instead of "Export manager: All") can't access "Export manager" appUIEXPMGR-98Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-98
- ui-export-manager: module releaseUIEXPMGR-97Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-97Mikita Siadykh
- BREAKING Update react-intl to v6UIEXPMGR-95Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-95Zak Burke
- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub ActionsUIEXPMGR-94Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-94Uladzislau Kutarkin
- upgrade React to v18UIEXPMGR-93Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-93Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Refactor permissions to display link to download bulk-edit upload filesUIEXPMGR-91Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-91Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Export Manager downloads extra fileUIEXPMGR-90Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-90Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Grammatical error in export jobUIEXPMGR-89Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-89Joseph Reimers
- Export Manager app | Authority control updates | Failed updates: Linked bibliographic fieldsUIEXPMGR-88Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-88
- User with permission "Export manager: Download and re-send files" can't export "update authority headings" reportUIEXPMGR-87Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-87Dmytro Melnyshyn
- No jobs shown by default in "Export manager"UIEXPMGR-86Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-86
- Release ui-export-manager v2.4.2 Orchid BugFix (R1 2023)UIEXPMGR-84Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-84Denys Bohdan
- A hyperlink on the "JobID" column is not clickable with Users In app permissionsUIEXPMGR-83Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-83Yauheniya Kryshtafovich
- Landing page displays export jobs before any filter is selectedUIEXPMGR-82Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-82Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Sorting by export method resets searchUIEXPMGR-81Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-81Dennis Bridges
- Provide filename when download EDIFACT export jobUIEXPMGR-80Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-80Dennis Bridges
- HTM file saved instead of CSV for "MARC authority headings updates (CSV)" reportUIEXPMGR-78Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-78Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Bump stripes-acq-components to 4.0.0UIEXPMGR-77Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-77Yury Saukou
- ui-export-manager: module releaseUIEXPMGR-76Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-76Mikita Siadykh
- Need new permission(s) to view Export Manager app in UIUIEXPMGR-74Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-74Vadym Shchekotilin
- missing translation: exportJob.type.BULK_EDIT_IDENTIFIERSUIEXPMGR-73Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-73Uladzislau Kutarkin
- bump stripes to 8.0.0 for Orchid/2023-R1UIEXPMGR-72Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-72Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Run Accessibility Checker and Color Contrast Analyzer toolsUIEXPMGR-71Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-71Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Load testing | Failed linked bib field updatesUIEXPMGR-70Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-70Khalilah Gambrell
- Load testing | MARC authority headings updates reportUIEXPMGR-69Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-69Khalilah Gambrell
- Export Manager app | Authority control updatesUIEXPMGR-68Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-68Denys Bohdan
- Download refactoring to support /download endpoint (Bursar)UIEXPMGR-66Resolved issue: UIEXPMGR-66Vadym Shchekotilin
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