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Run a Web Accessibility checker on the eholdings app AND Settings > eholdings pages.
Run the checker on every action one may take with the app and settings pages
Use: Accessibility Insights for Web plug-in |
To test color contrast WCAG 2.1 requirements, use the WCAG Color Contrast Tool:
Create jira stories for all identified issues with the label 'accessibility'
JIRA stories should contain the reported issue and when applicable a screenshot
No additional accessibility issues found
Run a Web Accessibility checker on the eholdings app AND Settings > eholdings pages.
Run the checker on every action one may take with the app and settings pages
Use: Accessibility Insights for Web plug-in |
To test color contrast WCAG 2.1 requirements, use the WCAG Color Contrast Tool:
Definition of Done
Create jira stories for all identified issues with the label 'accessibility'
JIRA stories should contain the reported issue and when applicable a screenshot