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As a librarian I want a valid reason for why I cannot access the eholdings app
Currently when eholdings app is down, regardless of the reason, the UI displays an error message that the KB is not configured properly.
When eholdings app is down then display the most applicable error message.
Acceptance criteria
Given I am on the eholdings app
When the error is not due to API credential configuration OR eholdings app not being installed AND it is due to an exceeded API limit [Error 429] Then display an error message - [Unable to complete operation. HoldingsIQ API limit has been exceeded. Please contact your EBSCO Holdings IQ support contact.]
Given I am on the eholdings app When the error is due to Holdings API being down Then display an error message - [eholdings app is unavailable at this time. If the problem persist please contact your FOLIO system administrator or visit EBSCO Connect [link to].]
@Khalilah Gambrell I'll implement this in scope of this story
Khalilah Gambrell August 5, 2020 at 7:37 PM
@Denys Bohdan - to confirm is this a spike or will you implement with this story?
Sobha Duvvuri May 7, 2020 at 2:50 AM
In my opinion this should be a backend ticket - Adding this and more use-cases to this backend ticket - Once the backend ticket is complete, then this UI ticket should be modified to display the error provided by MODKBEKBJ appropriately in toast messages.
As a librarian
I want a valid reason for why I cannot access the eholdings app
Currently when eholdings app is down, regardless of the reason, the UI displays an error message that the KB is not configured properly.
When eholdings app is down then display the most applicable error message.
Acceptance criteria
Given I am on the eholdings app
When the error is not due to API credential configuration OR eholdings app not being installed
AND it is due to an exceeded API limit [Error 429]
Then display an error message - [Unable to complete operation. HoldingsIQ API limit has been exceeded. Please contact your EBSCO Holdings IQ support contact.]
Given I am on the eholdings app
When the error is due to Holdings API being down
Then display an error message - [eholdings app is unavailable at this time. If the problem persist please contact your FOLIO system administrator or visit EBSCO Connect [link to].]