, I reviewed the requirements of the endpoint in and one of them is: "For a librarian with the permission to update Usage Consolidation, s/he should be able to use this toggle". That's why we have this path permission in the endpoint.
, should we waive this requirement?
Denys Bohdan July 13, 2022 at 1:17 PM
Pavlo Smahin July 13, 2022 at 12:33 PM
, I will appreciate it!
Denys Bohdan July 13, 2022 at 11:17 AM
Thanks , do you want me to create a ticket?
Pavlo Smahin July 13, 2022 at 10:44 AM
, hmm it's strange that it exists in the descriptor for this endpoint. Probably you are right and it should be removed.
As a system administrator
I want to be able to see the Usage Consolidation ID and Keys in plain text
So I can make sure the information is accurate
On the Settings > eholdings > Usage Consolidation page
Add a Show ID / Hide ID toggle to these fields: Usage consolidation ID and Usage consolidation client ID
Add a Show key / Hide key toggle to this field: Usage consolidation API key
If Show ID or Show key is selected then show ID/key in plain text and link text becomes Hide ID / Hide key
If Hide ID or Hide key is selected then show ID/key encrypted and link text becomes Show ID / Show key