Mariia AloshynaMariia AloshynaReporter
Ann-Marie BreauxAnn-Marie Breaux(Deactivated)Priority
P2Story Points
NoneDevelopment Team
FolijetTestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: CasesTestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Mariia Aloshyna
Mariia AloshynaReporter
Ann-Marie Breaux
Ann-Marie Breaux(Deactivated)Priority
Story Points
Development Team
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created July 21, 2020 at 9:11 AM
Updated August 11, 2020 at 7:23 PM
Resolved July 28, 2020 at 2:43 PM
Overview: When the optional sections of the match profile (qualifier, only compare part of the value) are removed from the profile, the changes are not saved
Current workaround: Delete the match profile and start over
Steps to Reproduce:
Log into FOLIO-snapshot-load as diku_admin
Go to Settings/Data import/Match profiles
Create a match profile
Name: whatever
Incoming record: MARC
Existing FOLIO record: Instance
MARC field: 001
Use qualifier: qualifier type = Begins with, qualifier = in
Only compare part of value: Numerics only
Match criterion: Exactly matches
Instance field: HRID
Use qualifier: qualifier type = Ends with, qualifier = in
Only compare part of value: Alpha numerics only
Save the new profile
Check to make sure that the various qualifier/compare part options show n the View match profile details
Edit the match profile to remove the qualifier/compare options in both sections of the match profile (incoming records, existing records)
Save the edited match profile
View the details of the edited match profile
Expected Results: When the qualifier/compare values are removed, the match profile should save, and the previous details should not show in the View details
Actual Results: The save button is not activated, and the previous qualifier/compare details still show in the match profile
Additional Information: See attached video