Ann-Marie Breaux
Ann-Marie Breaux(Deactivated)Priority
Development Team
Not Scheduled
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created January 29, 2020 at 8:09 AM
Updated August 10, 2023 at 6:35 AM
Purpose: Document the changes needed in the UI for Create/Edit/View match profiles when incoming record is a Delimited file
As a staff person
I want to be able to use a field in a delimited file as a matchpoint
So that the existing FOLIO records can be matched to data in the incoming delimited file
See overview PPT at
Update all from here down
Scenario 1
Given the Create/Edit screen for Match profiles
When the Incoming record type = EDIFACT invoice
Then the top section of the Match criterion should be adjusted as indicated in the attached Match profile expansion 3.PNG
Header label: Change from Incoming MARC record to Incoming EDIFACT
Incoming match field label: Change from MARC field in incoming record to EDIFACT field in incoming record
Field/Indicators/Subfield text boxes: Change to a dropdown list of EDIFACT field names
Keep the "Qualifier" section, "Only compare" section, "Match criterion" dropdown list, and the "Existing record" sections as-is
Scenario 2
Give then View details screen for Match profiles
When the changes in Scenarios 1 have been made in the Create/Edit screen to make it support an EDIFACT match
And a saved match profile reflects these changes
Then make sure these changes show in the view details screen
And that the details are not editable in the view details screen
Scenario 3
Ensure automated testing coverage for this new code is 80% plus and confirm with screenshot
See attached screenshot