Static location match does not work when location name or code includes a hyphen (-)


Overview: When creating a static match ** to the permanent location in the holdings record and the location includes a hyphen, the import will not successfully match the holdings record.
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log into folio-snapshot as diku-admin.

  2. Create a new location that includes a hyphen in the name or code. 

  3. Create a new holdings record on an instance that does not already have a holdings record and assign the new location as the permanent location. Or, change the location on an already existing holdings record to the new location.

  4. Create a match profile on the 001 of the incoming marc record to the instance hrid.

  5. Create a match profile with a static match to the holdings record. The text of the match is the location name and/or code that includes the hyphen. (Name, Code, or Name(Code).) The text exactly matches the holdings permanent location.

  6. Create a field mapping profile and action profile to update the instance. 

  7. Create a field mapping profile and action profile to update the holdings.

  8. Create a job profile that includes the 001 instance match profile, the holdings permanent location match profile, the update instance action, and the update holdings action. 

  9. Create an import marc record that includes the instance hrid of the instance record associated with the holdings that has the new location assigned. 

  10. Use data import to import the marc record created using the import job profile created. 

  11. The instance and holdings will not be updated and the holdings log will display discarded. 

  12. If you remove the hyphen from the location name or code and retry the import, the import will succeed. 

Expected Results: The instance and holdings record match and are updated.
Actual Results: The instance and holdings record are not updated and the log displays that the holdings record was discarded.
Additional Information: This behavior is also happening in the local Lotus environment at Chicago.  **  This will impact all FOLIO users with hyphens in their location names or location codes.
Interested parties: University of Chicago

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround




TestRail: Results



Christie Thomas October 12, 2022 at 4:26 PM

I think so. It was working and then i wasn't. I can reopen if it we run into problems again in the future. 

Ruslan Lavrov October 12, 2022 at 4:10 PM

Hello , thank you for your response. So we can close this Jira, right?

Christie Thomas October 12, 2022 at 2:32 PM

I, too, was able to get this to work in bugfest for Lotus and in our local Lotus environment today.  It is also working today in the folio-snapshot environment. Thank you. 

Ruslan Lavrov October 11, 2022 at 1:00 PM

Hello , I was trying to reproduce this issue on the snapshot, MG bugfest and Lotus bugfest environments but did not manage. Could you please take a look and say what could be missing in my steps for reproducing so that we could proceed with this issue?
To reproduce this issue on the Lotus bugfest env I used "update holdings rec" job profile
During reproducing I tried the following values for the static match (preliminary updating holdings record with appropriate permanent location):

  • DUL-PERKN-PKE - match by code

  • DUL-PERK-LOTUS-TEST - match by code

  • test-location - match by name

  • test-location-code - match by code

  • test-location (test-location-code) - match by name(code)

Kateryna Senchenko October 7, 2022 at 9:10 AM

Hi , thanks, it does look like a BE issue. Moving it to MODSOURMAN for now, but the issue can end up in MODDICORE or MODINV

Cannot Reproduce





Story Points


Development Team



Nolana (R3 2022)

RCA Group

Not a bug

Affected Institution

University of Chicago

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 30, 2022 at 2:36 PM
Updated October 13, 2022 at 9:57 AM
Resolved October 13, 2022 at 7:17 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs