Search term should be retained when returning to search and sort app
Steps to repro:
Log into folio-snapshot
Go to inventory
Search for Al Gore
This will give you about 4 title results
Open Al Gore and Global Warming
Scroll down and open item
Go to checkout and checkout
Go back to inventory
Close the item record
The 4 al gore search results should still display in the results pane and Al Gore and Global Warming instance should be open (this is now working as of UIIN-616)
Al gore should still be entered into the search box
Actual: Search term is cleared out which also results in the "reset all" option under the search being inactive so there is no way to reset the search.
Additional information: This is also a problem in Users and possibly other apps using the search and sort component
Yay! It works great and I tested in Inventory, Users and Requests. Thank you !
Khalilah Gambrell July 23, 2019 at 4:52 PM
discussed with JohnC. and RyanB. We think that a dev who is familiar with Inventory should review the URL structure to determine what is removing that query string structure that is causing this issue.
Steps to repro:
Log into folio-snapshot
Go to inventory
Search for Al Gore
This will give you about 4 title results
Open Al Gore and Global Warming
Scroll down and open item
Go to checkout and checkout
Go back to inventory
Close the item record
The 4 al gore search results should still display in the results pane and Al Gore and Global Warming instance should be open (this is now working as of UIIN-616)
Al gore should still be entered into the search box
Actual: Search term is cleared out which also results in the "reset all" option under the search being inactive so there is no way to reset the search.
Additional information: This is also a problem in Users and possibly other apps using the search and sort component