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Severity: HighLink: Package Name: io.netty_netty-codec-http2Current versions: 4.1.78.Final / fixed in 4.1.100.Final
Modules impacted:
mod-event-config 2.7.0
mod-user-import 3.8.0
mod-data-export-worker 3.2.2
Note: an analysis of CVE for other modules/versions of modules was performed in scope of
This is an HTTP/2 issue therefore only Okapi and edge modules can be affected.
Beckend modules are not affected.
The description lists backend modules only, therefore this issue can be closed.
Severity: High
Package Name: io.netty_netty-codec-http2
Current versions: 4.1.78.Final / fixed in 4.1.100.Final
Modules impacted:
mod-event-config 2.7.0
mod-user-import 3.8.0
mod-data-export-worker 3.2.2
Note: an analysis of CVE for other modules/versions of modules was performed in scope of