ECS | Facets count is not correct in call number browse when same call numbers exist in different Local records


Looks like facets starting count call numbers in “Local” Instances from other tenants when there are at least 1 pair of same call numbers which belongs to “Local” instances in different member tenants.

Steps to reproduce on Clear from data environment (ex:

  1. Authorize as admin on ECS environment >> Switch active affiliation to Member 1.

  2. Go to “Inventory” >> “Browse” >> Select “Call numbers (all) browse option.

  3. Run browse for any call number, ex.: “test”

  4. Expand all facets (“Held by”, “Effective location (item”) and note values in counters

  5. Create following data on environment:

Local Instance


Call number value (must be the same)

Instance from Member 1

Member 1

same local cn

Instance from Member 2

Member 2

same local cn

  1. Go back to “Inventory” on Member 1 >> “Browse” >> Select “Call numbers (all) browse option.

  2. Run browse for any call number, ex.: “test”

  3. Expand all facets (“Held by”, “Effective location (item”) and check values in counters.

Expected result:
For “Held by” facet - only counter of current member tenant must be increased by “1”.
For “Effective location (item)” - only counter of location from current member tenant must be increased by “1”.
Actual result:
For “Held by” facet - counters of current member (Member 1) and Member 2 tenants are increased by “1”.
For “Effective location (item)” - counters of location from current member (Member 1) and Member 2 tenant s are increased by “1”.
Additional information: After clicking on facet option with not correct counter - counter becomes correct.

See attached screencast:

Steps to reproduce “Held by” case on ECS Eureka sprint testing environment (ex:

  1. Authorize as admin on ECS environment >> Switch active affiliation to “Colleague”.

  2. Go to “Inventory” >> “Browse” >> Select “Call numbers (all) browse option.

  3. Run browse for any call number, ex.: “test”

  4. Expand “Held by” facet and note value next to “Professional tenant”

  5. Select “Professional tenant”

Expected result: Counter value next to selected “Institution name” must be the same with noted before clicking on it.
Actual result: Counter values noted before clicking and actual after selecting “Institution name” are different.
See attached screenshots:

Steps to reproduce “Effective location (item)” case on ECS Eureka sprint testing environment (ex: )

  1. Authorize as admin on ECS environment >> Switch active affiliation to “Colleague”.

  2. Go to “Inventory” >> “Browse” >> Select “Call numbers (all) browse option.

  3. Run browse for any call number, ex.: “test”

  4. Expand “Effective location (item)” facet and note value next to “Theoretical Physics”

  5. Select “Theoretical Physics”

Expected result: Counter value next to selected “location” must be the same with noted before clicking on it.
Actual result: Counter values noted before clicking and actual after selecting “Theoretical Physics” are different. Looks like this location shouldn’t be visible from Colleague tenant
See attached screenshots:


Steps to reproduce “Shared” case on ECS Eureka sprint testing environment (ex: )

  1. Authorize as admin on ECS environment >> Switch active affiliation to “Colleague”.

  2. Go to “Inventory” >> “Browse” >> Select “Call numbers (all) browse option.

  3. Run browse for any call number, ex.: “test”

  4. Expand “Shared” facet and note values

  5. Select “Colleague” in “Held by”

  6. Select “No” in “Shared”

Expected result: Counter values in “Shared” facet are not changing when user selects “No” in it.
Actual result: Counter values in “Shared” facet are changing when user selects “Yes” or “No”,
See attached screenshots:

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround








Pavlo Smahin March 17, 2025 at 12:40 PM

It could be fixed only with nested objects implementation for aggregation queries.






Development Team



Umbrellaleaf (R3 2025)

RCA Group


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 12, 2025 at 4:06 PM
Updated yesterday
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs