Assign each authority record to an Authority Source file list
Potential Workaround
has to be done after
has to be done before
is blocked by
is cloned by
relates to
hideTestRail: Results
Natalia Zaitseva September 1, 2022 at 12:44 PM
will be demoed once is done
Maryna Steshenko September 1, 2022 at 11:28 AM
This task should only be verified together with other Authority Source Files related issues, such as MODSOURMAN-866, MODINVSTOR-892 and
Khalilah Gambrell August 7, 2022 at 4:13 PM
@Maryna Steshenko - I added two new prefixes/codes to the list. The updates are in bold.
Khalilah Gambrell August 7, 2022 at 4:11 PM
Hey @Maryna Steshenko. Please review the last two columns on this table
Second to last column includes links to authority records that you can export and then import to your environment. Note: You must remove the 999 $ff values from each record exported to successfully import record to your environment.
Last column includes links to files you can export and import into your environment without editing exported file.
Maryna Steshenko August 5, 2022 at 2:14 PM
Hi @Khalilah Gambrell, I was wondering if there are any other MARC files that can be used for testing Authority Source File feature? Especially ones with identifying prefix stored in a 010 $a field.
Context: Catalogers want a way to know the source of their authority records. They want a facet/filter that provides them the ability to only view records of the selected source or sources. This knowledge may prove important to our team in supporting the link between bibliographic records and authority records.'
When user imports an authority record Then we need to the check 001 or 010 $a for the identifying prefix (code). If the prefix (code) matches any of the values on the below tables THEN assign the record to a Source file.
An authority record can only be assigned to one Source file
Each identifying prefix (code) is unique and can be assigned to only one Source file (see list below)
identifying prefix (code) is the "alpha value" of the 001 and 010$a
identifying prefix (code) is case insensitive
System should check if 001 has one of the prefixes (codes) below. If not then check 010 $a (all of them). If multiple $a with identifying prefixes (codes) then pick the first one.
If there is no prefix (code) OR the prefix (code) is not on the below list then assign to Not specified or not at all (whatever is easiest given additional requirements will support a user adding their own information to this list).
Development should consider that additional rules will added to this implementation
Each Source file can only be assigned to one Authority type (see below list)
Identifying prefix: MARC field: 001 prefix
Source file name
Authority type
LC Name Authority file (LCNAF)
LC Subject Headings (LCSH)
LC Children's Subject Headings
LC Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT)
LC Demographic Group Terms (LCFGT)
LC Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music (LCMPT)
Faceted Application of Subject Terminology (FAST)
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
lcgtm, tgm
Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM)
Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS)
aat, aatg
Art & architecture thesaurus (AAT)
GSAFD Genre Terms (GSAFD)
Acceptance Criteria
No impact to mod-search performance.
Write Karate tests
Given a MARC authority record is created via data import
When 001 is populated
AND the alpha prefix matches a value (i.e. n) on the Authority Source file list
Then assign the record to an Authority source file (i.e. LC Name Authority file (LCNAF))
Given a MARC authority record is created via data import
When 001 is populated
AND has no identifying alpha prefix that matches what is on the list
BUT 010 $a does have an identifying alpha prefix that matches a value (i.e. n) on the Authority Source file list
Then assign the record to an Authority source file (i.e. LC Name Authority file (LCNAF))
Given a MARC authority record is created via data import
When 001 is populated
AND has no identifying alpha prefix that matches what is on the list
AND 010 $a also does not have an identifying alpha prefix that matches what is on the list
Then do not assign to an Authority source file
As not all the requirements can be met using the currently existing MARC rule mapping implementation, new should flag added.
Add a new flag "skipIfTargetIsAssigned" indicating whether a rule should be skipped when target value is already assigned
Update default mapping rules
Add Authority Source File Id mapping tests