Kateryna Senchenko
Kateryna SenchenkoPriority
Development Team
Not Scheduled
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created January 23, 2024 at 1:20 PM
Updated June 27, 2024 at 10:36 AM
Create script to identify OCLC numbers in 035 field via inclusion of (OCoLC) and normalized values as following:
Retain (OCoLC)
If prefix of 'ocn' or 'ocm' appear, they should be removed
If leading zeros appear, they should be removed
EXAMPLE: value of 035 (OCoLC)ocm123456 should result in 035 (OCoLC)123456
If duplicates exist after normalization, they should be de-duplicated so that only one of the normalized 035 values remain.
If there's multiple 035s with the same $a value after normalization and one has additional subfields (e.g. $z), retain only the one with multiple subfields.
If there's any prefix values that are NOT 'ocm' or 'ocn', the original prefix should remain.
Example: 035 ‡a (OCoLC)tfe0000501056183 should result in 035 ‡a (OCoLC)tfe501056183
See more examples at