Suppressing FOLIO instances not changing MARC LDR/05 |Caltech|Orchid-SP-4


Needs review and discussion with other POs and maybe SMEs before implementing. Is this desired new functionality in general? How would this affect other apps like OAI-PMH, bulk edit, quickMARC, etc.?

Caltech is reporting that when they are testing suppression of an instance using data import ,the instance was suppressed as specified in the job profile with a 999$t added to the MARC record (value = "i" instead of "1") but process did not change the MARC Leader/ LDR 05 to a "c" indicating a record change that would be picked up in an OAI harvest.
We recreated the profile in bugfest-orchid and were able to reproduce the issue. After importing the mrc file the record got suppressed but leader value 05 did not change to "c" from n.



Potential Workaround


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TestRail: Results



Ann-Marie Breaux November 29, 2023 at 7:22 PM

Blocking this issue for now and moving to the Folijet backlog.

If we add a feature to automatically change the LDR/05 to "c" when MARC records (of all types) are updated via quickMARC or other means (Data Import? Cataloging app? Bulk edit?), then consider this as a story in it.

Also need to consider the impact on OAI-PMH and other data harvests.


Ann-Marie Breaux November 22, 2023 at 12:24 PM

Hi True, but we're going to try to sort out whether we can resolve with with "d" as part of , or figure out whether a different solution is needed, as part of finalizing the mark for deletion feature, so I'm leaving it in for now, and will discuss with

Magda Zacharska November 21, 2023 at 8:29 PM

This JIRA does not really defines as this is related to setting up LDR 05 to n and that would not have impact on suppressing the record from search results. For that to happen the ldr 05 must be set to "d" and staff suppress and suppress from discovery flags set to true.

Magda Zacharska August 30, 2023 at 9:40 PM

Changing ldr05 to "c" will not cause FOLIO OAI-PMH harvest to pick the record.  OAI-PMH checks Inventory instance record changes (including adding/removing holdings) and those updates cause the record to be included in the incremental harvest.

Kateryna Senchenko August 23, 2023 at 7:47 AM

Hi , thank you for clarifications. I converted the issue to a story and assigned to you for now. Let's discuss it more at our next refinement. Thank you!





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Open TestRail: Runs
Created August 18, 2023 at 6:02 AM
Updated June 3, 2024 at 2:11 PM
TestRail: Cases
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