Nirmal R Shah
Nirmal R ShahReporter
Sharnya Chandel
Sharnya ChandelPriority
Story Points
Development Team
Affected Institution
Grand Valley State University
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created July 31, 2023 at 10:18 AM
Updated August 11, 2023 at 3:33 PM
Resolved August 7, 2023 at 3:01 PM
GVSU reported that they are seeing Nonstop Status Check messages FOLIO to Staging Director, with Staging Director replying that the item does not exist:
"Host requested status for SKU 32260000016453 ("SC" message); StagingDirector response: Inventory does not exist " (See attached screenshot shared by library)
But the item with this barcode-32260000016453 is checked out and library wants to clear the status check message which they are seeing.
Below is the message from library.
"Separately, I’m also seeing nonstop Status Check messages from FOLIO to Staging Director, with Staging Director replying that the item does not exist:
Host requested status for SKU 32260000016453 ("SC" message); StagingDirector response: Inventory does not exist
This is for a book that was checked out yesterday. For someone to request it, FOLIO would have sent a Status Check message to Staging Director, and it would have been delivered up from remote storage. So I’m wondering if this is another case where FOLIO sent repeat messages – first, it successfully brought the item up, but then for subsequent status checks after the item was removed, Staging Director is telling FOLIO it doesn’t have it… Can this status check message also be cleared?
In “host-log” you can see the “IA” inventory add messages from FOLIO with no barcode and the “IC” inventory confirm messages from Staging Director with error code 006, which is the no barcode error. You can also see the constant “SC” status check messages for the same item over and over. That one gets a “TR” transaction response from Staging Director, but there are no separate error codes there.
The “transaction-log” shows more clearly the error messages associated with those IA and SC requests.
(See screenshots attached)"
Issue is not reproducible on prod because this is something library see on folio side. Attaching screenshot, what they see.
Expected behavior : Folio should not send status check messages to Staging director for the item present in inventory.
Actual behavior : Folio sending status check messages as shown in screenshot.
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