Review and cleanup Module Descriptors for mod-reporting
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
CSP Approved
Potential Workaround
Mike Taylor October 15, 2024 at 1:38 PM
Done. Each endpoint is now governed my its own permission instead of
governing logs/tables/columns/query/reports. For backwards-compatibility,
is retained as an umbrella that contains all five new fine-grained permissions, which means we only need a new minor version (not major) for the ldp-query
interface provided by the module.
Mike Taylor October 15, 2024 at 10:57 AM
It turns out that @Julian Ladisch has helpfully provided a minimal pom.xml
that can be used for non-Java projects: it’s at but currently not merged to master.
Mike Taylor October 14, 2024 at 6:02 PM
@Natalia Zaitseva Has anyone made a version of the module-descriptor validator that simple runs on a specified module descriptor, instead of needing all this messing about with pom.xml
files and install.json
and suchlike?
Mike Taylor September 20, 2024 at 5:36 PM
Sorry, @Charlotte Whitt. What I meant is that you can either move this ticket to MODREP and edit it accordingly; or close this ticket, and raise new on on MODREP.
Charlotte Whitt September 20, 2024 at 5:03 PM
@Mike Taylor - sorry. Can you maybe be a little more clear here, about what you recommend me to do. Right now the ticket just hang undecided.
To support automatic capabilities creation and keep FOLIO permission usage consistent, it is suggested that all module descriptors be reviewed and inconsistencies in permission namings and usage be fixed. can help teams with finding such problems in the module descriptor.
If the module is not a java based -
Permission naming convention for renaming -
How to rename a permission:
Rules for Module Descriptor:
Permission name according to the convention
One permission can be used to protect only one endpoint
Endpoint should be protected by 0-1 permissions
Permission with sub permissions(Permission set) can’t be used for endpoint protection
Add plugin to the modules pom file and run build
Fix problems in module descriptor according to the Permission naming convention or rules
If module is not a java based - run local scripts and fix module descriptor