Technical design: approach for manual linking/unlinking MARC bib fields to MARC authority headings/references (Names)
Potential Workaround
hideTestRail: Results
Mikhail Fokanov
Mikhail FokanovReporter
Khalilah Gambrell
Khalilah GambrellLabels
Development Team
Nolana (R3 2022)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created June 21, 2022 at 5:18 AM
Updated October 19, 2024 at 2:13 PM
Resolved August 25, 2022 at 1:45 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Technical design (phase 1) approach for manual linking/unlinking MARC bib fields to MARC authority headings/references. Phase 1 will focus on handling Personal/Corporate/Meeting names. Additional spikes will be created for the technical design for handling Subjects (i.e. Topical terms, Genre/form) and Titles (series/uniform titles)
Catalogers want the ability to link a MARC bib field(s) to MARC authority heading(s)/reference(s) because authority records are seen as the source of truth about a person/place/corporation/conference/subject/genre. This linking allows the library user to learn more and feel 100% confident that the information provided is accurate and allows them to search/browse for their research.
High level requirements
Applies to MARC bib and MARC authority record types only. Cannot link any record type with source = FOLIO.
Linking a bib field(s) to an authority heading(s)/reference(s) will be based on the rules defined in the section called link/matching rules
Linking should also indicate if the user has linked the MARC bib field to the Authority record field that is authRefType = Authorized OR authRefType = Reference
Once link is made need to support an indicator to support the following
On Inventory app > Browse list > Indicate which contributors/subjects/and future browses such as serials/genres/titles are controlled by an authority record
On Instance record and View bib source > indicate if MARC bib tags are controlled by MARC authority heading
On MARC authority app > Search results list and Browse list > indicate number of bib records tied to authority records
Dashboard app > Widget > Allow for the creation of a widget that allows a cataloger to view which bib records have been linked to an authority record AND if possible time+date stamp to support a widget that shows the number of bib records linked to an authority record over the past 30 days for example. AND a widget to show the number of bib records unlinked over the past 30 days for example. Or just the number of bib records linked OR unlinked as widgets.
Inventory app/MARC authority app > In-app report > Allow for the creation of a widget that allows a cataloger to view which bib records have been linked to an authority record AND if possible time+date stamp to support a widget that shows the number of bib/authority records linked to an authority record over the past 30 days for example. AND a widget to show the number of bib/authority records unlinked over the past 30 days for example. Or just the number of bib/authority records linked OR unlinked as widgets.
Inventory app/MARC authority app > Facet or Filter > Allow a user to filter search or browse lists by whether bib or authority record is linked.
Design needs to consider that future development will support linking/unlinking source = FOLIO
Design needs to consider performance when saving links and the entire bib record. Also needs to consider performance / length of time before that link is reflected on MARC Authority app search/browse list
Designs needs to account for optimistic locking
Design needs to consider editing and deriving new bib record workflow
Design needs to consider handling deleting a MARC authority record that is linked to a MARC bib record
We can allow the deletion to occur but need to support a warning message to inform a user the impact of deleting the MARC authority record to the linked bib records. Description of impact will be under the section called unlink behavior handling.
User will need permissions assigned to link/unlink MARC bibs + MARC authority records
Also design should consider that once link is made then provide a link to the linked MARC authority record associated with the applicable MARC bib tag /field
Additional details: Link behavior handling
When link happens Then the linked MARC bib tag, linked MARC bib indicator, linked MARC bib subfield code(s) and linked MARC bib subfield value(s) will be read-only
User may add additional bib subfield code and bib subfield value AND they will not be linked AND will be editable
Also hardcode the linked MARC bib field/tag $0 as a matching value to be used for automated linking in the future.
Unlink behavior handling
Allow a user to unlink a MARC bib field/tag from a MARC authority record with the following actions
a.) Unlink the MARC authority from the MARC bib tag/tag via quickMARC bib record
b.) Delete MARC authority tag linked to a MARC bib tag via quickMARC authority record
c.) Delete the MARC authority record via MARC authority app
When any of the above unlink actions occur Then formerly linked MARC bib tag, MARC bib indicator, MARC bib subfield code and MARC bib subfield value are editable. The link/match between the MARC bib field/tag to MARC authority record no longer exist. Maintain the contents that were populated by the authority record.
d.) Delete the MARC bib tag via the quickMARC bib record
When this unlink action occurs Then display an updated Delete MARC tag field confirmation modal to inform user that deleting MARC bib tag(s) will also remove link between MARC authority records.
MARC bib + MARC authority linking rules
Controlled MARC bib tag
MARC bib indicator code 1
MARC bib indicator code 2
MARC bib subfield codes - minimum
Controlling to MARC authority tag
Controlling MARC authority subfield codes - minimum
Personal name
a (whatever subfields are present will populate MARC bib 100 and control it.)
Subject Added Entry - Personal name
a (whatever subfields are present will populate MARC bib 100 and control it.)
Added Entry - Personal name
a (whatever subfields are present will populate MARC bib 100 and control it.)
Corporate name
a (whatever subfields are present will populate MARC bib 110 and control it.)
Subject Added Entry - Corporate name
a (whatever subfields are present will populate MARC bib 100 and control it.)
Added Entry - Corporate name
a (whatever subfields are present will populate MARC bib 100 and control it.)
Meeting name
a (whatever subfields are present will populate MARC bib 111 and control it.)
Subject Added Entry - Meeting name
a (whatever subfields are present will populate MARC bib 111 and control it.)
Added Entry - Meeting name
a (whatever subfields are present will populate MARC bib 111 and control it.)
h4. Errors
If a user attempts to link a MARC bib tag 100/110/111 to a MARC authority tag that does not match with what is on the above list then show an error message that the link is not allowed please select an authority record with the corresponding personal/corporate/meeting name heading type.
h4. Additional information
Spike deliverables
Define technical approach - Phase 1 based on above description
Post approach and findings to confluence
Review with team and SA(s)